Announcing the next Training Team Meeting

The next Training-Team hangout/meeting will be on Thursday next week: 21. April at 9pm CEST

Anyone who is interested is welcome to participate.

If you can't make the hangout but are interested in giving a training or assisting please contact me or simply add your name to the training in question in the doc

Notes from the last discussions:

Topics for the Meeting:

  • Trainings at ploneconf
  • How to get restructure and how to add new trainings (Sven wanted to come up with a plan)
  • Hosting for trainings

Here is the Hangout-URL:

Here are some notes from the training team hangout from 21. April 2016

Attendants: Philip Bauer, Fulvio Casali, Chrissy Wainwright, Carlos de la Guardia, Alec Mitchell, T. Kim Nguyen, Franco Pellegrini, Guido Stevens, Fred van Dijk

1. Trainings

We went through all the trainings in and added some possible trainers and trainings. Most of the info is in that doc. Also:

  • We'd like to have a training on agile-development methods (or at least one method).
  • Chrissy will ask Calvin about giving the blog- and workflow-trainings (He already said yes \o/)
  • Carlos will ask Paul Everitt about giving a Pyramid-Training
  • Philip will ask all others possible trainers

2. Restructuring



  • All trainings given at the conf have to be document on Only this way the effort going into preparing the trainings has a long-lasting benefit.
  • We need a good landing page with audience and benefits (what will you learn) for each training
  • Trainings need to move to seperate folders (mastering plone needs to move out of the root-folder)
  • We need a short primer on how to write trainings (Fred will ask Sven and Paul). Thast should also be on the website.
  • Better search would be good (i.e. search for code-snippets)
  • We need a easy way to link to another training
  • Train the trainer ( needs to be expanded (Fred)

4. Running Plone for the trainees

All trainings without file-system development (4x Hacking Plone, Customizing search, Custom Workflows, Making a Plone Blog) should use the same setup:
The idea is to have special versions of the deploy-to-heroku-buttons for the trainings that install the addons needed for each (or all) training(s)
Alec Mitchell will talk to Eric Bréhault about the Heroku-Button and the set of add-ons we need for that
The file-system development training could use the same setup as the mastering plone-training (

Here a 'quick and dirty' of an idea, far from finished but maybe something to get at least an idea.

This is currently based on could be easily done with Plone and mosaic I guess :slight_smile:

With something like this we would get a nicer looking main landing page from where we could direct people into the different directions.

<img src="/uploads/default/original/1X/f667525a2f4270bd1a4a7a9fb9ab9e86e27d4d93.png"


I like this but think it can be improved.

The title is very generic, and would also apply to documentation. It would be good if this would clearly communicate that it's about training. My suggestion "Plone training - course manuals for all available Plone trainings".

The four sections target four distinct audiences:

  1. content management - How to work with content and manage site settings in Plone
  2. theming - How to style your Plone site
  3. software customization - How to develop customized solutions with Plone
  4. deployment - How to get your Plone site up and running

I would suggest to group "distribute" under software development, and also my upcoming ZCA training will fall under that heading, so it is broader than "mastering Plone".

Finally, given that this is the landing page for people looking for Plone trainings, the primary call to action IMO should be a schedule + signup for getting a training, rather than the meta action of improving the training docs. E.g. "Sign up for a training. -- Plone training events are a great way to expand your skills. Plus it's a great way to meet the community and have fun. -- [ select a training event ]".

I hope you like those suggestions?


@gyst yes, sure !

I just put some example content there, for creating some kind of visual how it could look like, I thought some dummy text would give a better idea, it was never my idea to use any the dummy text on the real site.
You can see it on the logo too, I just dropped it there, it is not looking nice at all :slight_smile:.

The other thing is, that I used jekyll for building a quick site, maybe it would be better to do it in Plone ? If so, someone has to step up and do it.

Same goes for the theme I only adjusted some css to make it more look like Plone 5, maybe some people would prefer to make it more [upcomimg one ]look like ?

@gyst Great suggestion to structuring for audiences. The [select a training event] is what bothers me most. It unrealisitic that we'll have a trainings scheduled at any given time. I guess signing up for a scheduled training is less of a hurdle than "request a training in your area". But if the list of trainings is empty that would look discouraging.

So, we could:

  • make up trainings (quaterly) and make a training happen as soon as people sign up
  • create a form to make requesting a training very easy
  • or?

Also: Online-trainings and videos should be part of the site (once we have them).

Maybe a blanket statement that trainings are offered at least yearly on PloneConf, and in between based on expressed interest, with a [get in touch] action to be clued in on upcoming trainings that may be in the process of planning, without actually being published yet. Which is where we currently are.

Offering paid mentorship packages on top of free online training materials might be a way to increase reach without needing much in the way of meatspace logistics. Even if you have a training video and the full syllabus there's a need for dialogue, and a dedicated personal mentor may be less scary than getting ignored (or flamed) on a public community forum.

Maybe we should allow to sign up for training topics instead of concrete training events. This way we can collect the people who are interested in trainings for a specific topic and region. And people who can give trainings can bring them together for a training.



I am thinking to replace the Planet feed with the rss feed of, does this would make sense or do you think we do not want this 'feed' section and including feeds at all ?

Next one, currently the 'theme' is based on barceloneta is that still fine with everyone, or should we switch to a more plone,org look like ? Maybe include the new header, like we have now on community ?

Unless I misunderstand, please don't. News shows "official" news whereas Planet shows the community members' news and blog posts.

However I'm still wishing we could do better at limiting Planet items to things that are not about every newfangled OTHER CMS than Plone.

Why don't ? I mean maybe don't but I would like to hear reasons first :slight_smile:

Like I am said I am also not sure, but IMHO this should depend on the 'target group' we aim for on and also on the postings.

So for me the questions is more what would be better on the new and why ?

There are use cases and reasons for both.

Oh sorry, I had misunderstood... you're referring to your design way up earlier in this thread.

I updated it a bit ...

Still not done, by any means and work in progress.

This is the a overview site, who is/was giving training:

Still wip

Here the info page over a certain trainer, also wip:

Update overview: