What about plone.login? It would be a nice addition to have in Plone 5.2 but certainly needed for 6.0. Nobody wants to port CMFFormController to Python 3.
The roadmap for Plone 5.2 is perfectly fine it needs further documentation and communication what "Plone 5.2 compatibility" means for add-ons. A Plone add-on being "compatible with Plone 5.2" could be Python 2.7 only. Python 3.x only or Python 2.7+3.X compatible. An add-on running on Archetypes could be Plone 5.2 compatible when running under 2.7 but it would be potentially incompatible with Plone 5.2 on Python 3....
I believe Python 3.6 and 3.7. The UI will be as it is currently in Plone 5.1. There are future directions for Plone UI; see Thank you, Plone Conference 2018 Tokyo!
I think it is always a good idea to declare troove classifiers correctly in an Addons setup.py/.cfg. This includes the Python version. If an Addon depends on Archetypes, it can be made Plone 5.2/Python 2.7 compatible. I would not call it 100% Plone 5.2 compatible then and would recommend to add a visible warning in the README anyway.