What does this "BBB" mean, actually?

Every now and then, I notice the phrase "BBB", e.g. in comments.

Perhaps I'd use it myself, but first I'd like to know what it is supposed to mean.
Is it some kind of abbreviation?
Any link?
I had a look at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BBB, but nothing there caught my eye.

It indicates that something was done in order to maintain backwards compatibility.

Why three B's? That's a good question indeed :sweat_smile:!

Via @thet "Now I know: BBB stands for "BoBo Backwards" compatibility" https://mobile.twitter.com/thetetet/status/1010156143556157440


Now that we know that BBB stands for "BoBo Backwards" - anybody could explain what that means exactly?

Bobo was a nickname for the object-publishing component of what became Zope. IIRC :wink:

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Was this something with "boring backward something compatibility".:thinking:

Yes, right. This is mentioned in the wikipedia Zope article.
So "BBB" most likely refers to this; it is not intuitively understandable to anyone without this background information, though.

So "BBB" most likely refers to this; it is not intuitively understandable to anyone without this background information, though.

Yes, but it is short and bytes are expensive :wink:

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