Webinar: Plone for Newbies - The Big Picture - August 30, 2017

Upcoming Webinar

  • Plone for Newbies - The Big Picture
  • August 30, 2017 1PM EDT | 10AM PDT
  • For new developers who want to get a good overview of Plone.

I know that bobtemplates.plone is receiving huge improvements from @MrTango (Improving bobtemplates.plone and How to resolve version conflict for pycodestyle?) but, since we don't have an ETA for that, it would be nice to create a new release before this Webinar and before merging @MrTango work. It's not nice when you're showing new stuff for beginners and basic infrastructure breaks.

The fix for pycodestyle is already done, but we need a release, then we can close https://github.com/plone/bobtemplates.plone/issues/203 as well.

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I plan to sign off on the content over the next two weeks so I'll keep my eye on that issue.

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maybe @pbauer can make a release now, so that you could use this.
As soon my refactoring is ready to merge we can make a 2.0 release.
I hope that I can finish the work unti lend of the month.
The main task is to refacture the theme to be a subcomand/subtemplate.
There I still need to invest some time.
The rest is quite good already and can be improved after a release.

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@pbauer & @MrTango,
That would be really useful!

The Webinar is on August 30, 2017

We're moving the webinar to Jitsi.
Head to

for further instruction.

@MrTango it will include bobtemplates.plone

Just to make sure: is there video recording available after the webinar?

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Hi @marr ... yes there will be a recorded video available afterwards.

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@pigeonflight just for info, I released yesterday the new version of bobtemplates.plone 2.0.
It contains the plone_adon and the theme_package templates. But I removed the fattthem buildout, because it was not working does'n work well with Grunt, Gulp, Webpack approche anyway.
I hope you don't depend on that in your Webinar.

I'm working now on the theme subtemplate.
I would like to talk with you at some point about the right ways there.
Let me know when you are in the modd and have the time.

@pigeonflight I shared your Webbinar a bit on Twitter, good luck tomorrow.

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We're moving the webinar to Jitsi.
Head to

for further instruction.

Thanks to those who attended the webinar.

I think the 90 minute format was too much. It also didn't help that we were still getting familiar with the webinar platform (bad idea). Unfortunately, the stream did not get recorded properly (pretty much our fault).

Moving forward I think a 25 minute format covering a specific topic makes more sense than trying to "boil the ocean" in 90 minutes.

For future reference what topics are persons interested in?

  • Plone API
  • Dexterity (Creating and managing content types)
  • Diazo (Theming)
  • Zope Component Architecture (Component based programming)
  • Buildout (Build system, manage your development environment)
  • History of Plone (Get a little background)
  • Mosaic (Content Editing and Custom layouts system)
  • Rapido (Extending Plone in the Browser)

your list is probably to technical:

I would use the topic Theming instead of terms like Diazo, theme-fragments, theme sitesetup.
Content editing with Mosaic and extending Plone with Rapido sounds also interesting.
Creating content types TTW with file system round-trip, is a nice topic too.
Using the Plone api is important for developers and even TTW integrators who using Rapido to extend Plone.
ZCA is probably to specific for a webinar.

Did jitsi work for you?
How many people did you have at max?

I suppose this is a bit offtopic but....
We had about 5 persons. Jitsi is fine, but one quirk which really messed me up was how jitsi works with youtube videos. If you launch a youtube video it mutes the presenter (which makes sense). If you switch back from the paused video, without closing the video, the main window remains on the paused video. Not knowing about the video bug/feature, most of the presentation was delivered with the paused video on the screen, the presentation slides were displayed in a thumbnailed for a good amount of the webinar :(.

Thanks Maik,
I've adjusted the titles above to be more descriptive.