create rule which when a specific content type is changed an email will be sent Using Plone "rules" this is easy and works when only one email to be sent.
what makes it tricky is I want the email to be sent to all members of the plone site that have a particular group membership (e.g. volunteer).
So I could give the group a unique email (volunter@..) and send to that address However, that doesn't get me anywhere unless I require my users to also monitor that email address. An option, but not preferred.
So, I assume I need a script that will select the emails of certain roles and send
individual email. Does this make sense?
It let's you script actions based on emails being sent. For example you could capture the group email and replace it with emails to each member of the group.
The rule Dylan posted above is another good example of an excellent rule.
Searching pypi for "content rules' you get about two dozen content rules for Plone. Each one of these makes Plone a lot more useful for site admins and users.
There is so much added functionality lying dormant. (Note: I did try the rule "send to group" it install and shows up put I get an error).
So, how do we get these so they are P5 compatible? For example, can we have a kickstarter campaign to raise money to have people convert? I would be glad to help by testing and writing plone doc entries. I don't know any of the content rule authors. Does anyone know how to contact them?
I realize we all see the world through our own knot hole. What is important to us is what drives us. In the case of the site admin what drives our interest are the features closet to the users and our ability to solve the issues that matter to them and get them to love Plone. Isn't the end user our ultimate customer? If they can't get what they want from Plone, why would they support it?
This content rule uses the UberMultiSelectionWidget from This widget is broken in version 1.1.7 of Plone 3.3.4 has this version.
As of version 1.1.8 the widget is working again. To use the correct version pin down
I am not sure if this (modal) error is related. I have seen it two times in Plone 5, and restarting seeemed to fix it (I got the error on the login form.
What I posted above is not a content rule. Did you try to install it?
Multimail is another rules system for reacting to emails sent out of plone to turn them into other things (such as sending to more than one person like a group)
@djay I appreciate the follow-up. and Yes, I had tried that. I got a fatal error because yaml not on my host's system. chose not to try to troubleshoot or install yaml.
However, in reading the description, I didn't think it was a good fit for my target audience to use: Site Admin.
I want to use the standard Plone Content Rule because they are very comfortable for someone like me to build and administer.
I am not being a programmer, so I don't know how difficult or silly my question might be. If Plone can already handle quite elegantly adding email notifications to individual emails, and code exists (in the content rule I've referenced) what would it take to combine the two. That is, the setup form would have two sections for whom to send emails to: 1) users (or actual emails) and 2) groups.
I have been looking to hire somone for a reasonable fee to update the email to group content rule. However, if thie above approach could work, I would prefer that.
There is certainly a big whole in not being able to use a content rule to email a group. I would like to help fill that with some of my ideas and a little money if others can help. Anyone interested?