Screencast: a job application dropbox built with Plone...out of the box)

This is Plone site that allows job applicants to upload materials (such as their résumé) and their references to upload letters of recommendation.

It consists of two PloneFormGen forms, each with a mailer adapter (to send confirmation emails to the submitter) and a custom script adapter.

The custom scripts create a folder, as necessary, for each applicant (keyed on their email address) into which the attachments are stored as Plone File objects.

Built-in Plone security allows viewing of the uploaded materials only by logged in persons who are members of a particular group (via the Sharing tab).

Two portlets help with usability: one showing recently uploaded content (the standard Plone "recent items" portlet), and one showing a search box with live search results (the standard Plone "search" portlet).

A welcome / landing page makes it clear what to do, whether the person is a job applicant, a reference, or a member of the job search committee.

Portal tabs across the top of each page allow quick navigation to the home page, the two forms for uploading materials, and the protected folder containing all uploaded materials.