Hello Plone people!!!
As the Stark family used to say in the famous Games of Plones TV show, "GSoC is coming" (I am not making this up, and fun fact: Aria Stark is the one who invented the HTML aria
attributes, true story).
I need you to submit project ideas for this new GSoC season. To be honest, finding ideas is usually not too difficult for our community. What is more challenging is to find mentors, because people who are already active in the community get more and more tasks to do (contributing, being involved into different teams, or in the board, running sprints, etc.), and they end up being extremely busy, and mentoring a GSoC student is more they can reasonably handle.
My idea for this year would be to find Plone developers who are not very active in the community to become GSoC mentors. If a colleague of yours (or yourself) has some Plone knowledge, but is a bit shy, is a bit nervous about communicating in english, never goes to sprints or conference, well that's the person I am looking for .
Maybe you could encourage them to consider becoming a mentor!
Mentoring a GSoC student is not difficult, it does not require enormous social skills, and is an excellent first step to become active in the community (or not, if you really do not want to get involved, that's fine too actually).
Remember, GSoC projects can be anything you can imagine as far as it is not too long to implement. It can be smart features, like last year, we had:
- RSS Support Add-on in Plone 6
- Decoupled editor for Plone headless
- AI/ChatGPT image description/alt text generator
But it can also be more low-level, as 2 years ago we had a purely technical topic: Refactor Class Components to Functional Components.
So please, let me know!
Thank you!!!!!!!