Porting Plone to Python 3

I finally published a sprint report on the Saltlabs Sprint:

I'll cross-post it here so that any discussions do not have to go through our websites disqus:

Python 3, Plone 5.2, Zope 4 and more

Report from the SaltLabs Sprint in Halle, Germany and the aftermath

With over 30 attendees the SaltLabs Sprint was among the bigger sprints in the history of Plone and Zope.

Fortunately, our host Gocept just moved into a new office and had plenty of space to spare. Stylish as we are, the Plone crowd quickly congregated in the palace-like salon with red walls and renaissance paintings. Even better: Throughout the week the cafe Kaffej downstairs was open for us to eat breakfast, lunch and for work. We tried to keep the barista busy producing excellent Cappuccino. Thanks!

Zope 4

The sprint split in two groups, one working on Zope and one working on Plone. A short report on about what happened at the Zope can be found at https://blog.gocept.com/2018/10/11/beta-permission-for-earl-zope-extended . Zope 4.0b6 was released just after the sprint. The new Beta 6 includes the new bootstrap-styled ZMI, support for Python 3.7 and a metric ton of bug fixes compared to 4.0b5 which was released in May this year. By the way: Zope can now be installed without buildout using pipenv

Python 3

The Plone crowd was huge and worked on several tasks. The biggest task - and the main reason to join the sprint - was continuing to port Plone to Python 3. Jens Klein, Peter Mathis, Alessandro Pisa, David Glick (remote) and Philip Bauer as lead worked mainly on fixing all remaining failing tests and getting the jenkins-builds to pass. We dove deep into crazy test-isolation-issues but also added a couple of missing features to Dexterity that were so far only tested with Archetypes.

During the sprint we got very close to a green build but a couple of really nasty test-isolation issues prevented a green build. A week after the sprint we finally got that done and all tests of Plone now pass in Python 2.7, Python 3.6 and Python 3.7 with the same code-base!

With the test passing we're now merging that work and preparing the release of Plone 5.2a1. The tasks for this are discussed in this ticket

Deprecate Archetypes

Archetypes will not be ported to Python 3 but still has to work when running Plone 5.2 in Python 2.7. Since all tests that used PloneTestCase were still using Archetypes Philip changed that to use Dexterity now and created a new testlayer (plone.app.testing.bbb_at.PloneTestCase) that is now used by all the packages using the Archetypes-stack. See https://github.com/plone/plone.app.testing/pull/51. You could use this layer in your archetypes-based addon-packages that you want to port to Plone 5.2.


Yes, Plone is now able to run on Python 3. But without the huge ecosystem of addons that would be of limited real-world use. Jan Mevissen, Franco Pellegrini (remote) and Philip Bauer ported a couple of addons to Python 3 that Plone developers use all the time:

Being able to run tests against Plone in Python 3, and with these development-tools now available also, it is now viable to start porting other addons to Python 3. To find out how hard that is I started porting collective.easyform: https://github.com/collective/collective.easyform/pull/129. The work is only 97% finished since some tests need more work but it is now useable in Python 3!

ZODB Migration

Harald Friesenegger and Robert Buchholz worked on defining a default migration-story for existing databases using `zodbupdate (https://github.com/zopefoundation/zodbupdate). To discuss the details of this approach we had a hangout with Jim Fulton, David Glick and Sylvain Viollon. They solved a couple of tricky issues and wrote enough documentation. This approach seems to work well enough and the documentation points out some caveats but the ZODB migration will require some more work.

Relevant links:

ZODB Issues

Sune Broendum Woeller worked on a very nasty and complex issue with KeyErrors raising while releasing resources of a connection when closing the ZODB. That happened pretty frequently in our test-suites but was so far unexplained. He analyzed the code and finally was able to add a failing test to prove his theory. Then Jim Fulton realized the problem and wrote a fix for it. This will allow us to update to the newest ZODB-version once it is released. See https://github.com/zopefoundation/ZODB/issues/208 for details.


Thomas Schorr added the zconsole module to Zope for running scripts and an interactive mode. Using WSGI works in Python 2 and Python 3 and will replace ZServer in Python 3.

Frontend and Theming

Thomas Massman, Fred van Dijk, Johannes Raggam and Maik Derstappen looked into various front-end issues, mainly with the Barceloneta theme. They closed some obsolete tickets and fixed a couple of bugs.

They also fixed some structural issues within the Barceloneta theme. The generated HTML markup now has the correct order of the content columns (main, then left portlets, then right portlets) which allows better styling for mobile devices. Also in the footer area we are now able to add more portlets to generate a nice looking doormat. See the ticket https://github.com/plone/plonetheme.barceloneta/pull/163 for screenshots and details.

They also discussed a possible enhancement of the Diazo based theming experience by including some functionality of spirit.plone.theming into plone.app.theming and cleaning up the Theming Control Panel. A PLIP will follow for that.

New navigation with dropdown support

Peter Holzer (remote) continued to work on the new nativation with dropdown-support which was started on collective.navigation by Johannes Raggam. Due to the new exclude_from_nav index and optimized data structures the new navigation is also much faster than other tree based navigation solutions (10x-30x faster based on some quick tests).

Static Resource Refactoring

Johannes Raggam finished work on his PLIP to restructure static resources.
With this we no longer carry 60MB of static resources in the CMFPlone repository, it allows to use different versions of mockup in Plone, enable us to release our libraries on npm and will make it easier to switch to a different framework.
Skin scripts removal
Katja Süss, Thomas Lotze, Maurits van Rees and Manuel Reinhardt worked hard at removing the remaining python_scripts. The work is still ongoing and it would be great to get rid of the last of these before a final Plone 5.2 release. See https://github.com/plone/Products.CMFPlone/issues/1801 for details. Katja also worked on finally removing the old resource registry (for js and css).

Test parallelization

Joni Orponen made a lot of progress on speeding up our test-runs by running different test-layers in parallel. The plan is to get them from 30-60 minutes (depending on server and test-setup) to less than 10 minutes. For a regularly updated status of this work see CI run speedups for buildout.coredev

Documentation and User-Testing

Paul Roeland fought with robot-tests creating the screenshots for our documentation. And won. A upgrade guide to Plone 5.2 and Python 3 was started by several people. Jörg Zell did some user-testing of Plone on Python 3 and documented some errors that need to be triaged.


Jörg Zell worked on the german translations for Plone and nearly got to 100%. After the sprint Katja Süß did an overall review of the german translation and found some wording issues with need for a discussion

Plone React

Rob Gietema and Roel Bruggink mostly worked on their trainings for React and Plone-react, now renamed to “Volto”. Both will be giving these trainings at Plone Conference in Tokyo. On the second day of the sprint Rob demoed the current state of the new react-based frontend for Plone.

Assorted highlights

  • In a commit from 2016 an invisible whitespace was added to the doctests of plone.api. That now broke our test in very obscure ways. Alessandro used some dark magic to search and destroy.
  • The __repr__ for persistent objects changed breaking a lot of doctests. We still have to figure out how to deal with that. See https://github.com/zopefoundation/zope.site/issues/8 for details.
  • There was an elaborate setup to control the port during robot-tests. By not setting a port at all the OS actually takes care of this to makes sure the ports do not conflict. See https://github.com/plone/plone.app.robotframework/pull/86. Less is sometimes more.
  • Better late than never: We now have a method safe_nativestring in Products.CMFPlone.utils besides our all-time favorites safe_unicode and safe_encode. It transforms to string (which is bytes in Python 2 and text in Python 3). By the way: There is also zope.schema.NativeString and zope.schema.NativeStringLine.
  • We celebrated the 17th birthday of Plone with a barbecue and a generous helping of drinks.