Plone 5.2 release team meeting, March 31, 2019

20190331 Plone release team
Eric, Philip, Paul, Kim

⁃ Michael Howitz - no Zope final release until Halle sprint in May
◦ Kim: made public that we will wait for Zope final release (Update on 5.2 release date)
◦ Kim: updated the roadmap to say this

⁃ Same blockers as before... no change (maybe more now)
⁃ See the project
⁃ Cache control panel. Revisions. Navigation control panel.
◦ We need help? Kim to ask for help. coredev skills required.

⁃ RC2 is done, announcement at Plone 5.2rc2 soft-released

◦ Kim to try 5.2 unified installer (on Windows, Linux, Mac),
◦ Paul to try unified installer on Windows