Plone 5.2.2 on Windows?

Good morning all.
Does anyone know if Plone version 5.2.2 on Windows is still being considered?

If so, do we have any idea of a possible deadline?

Thanks in advance.

Whats wrong with my instructions here?

And why do we need a new thread here?

Good morning all,

@jensens is absolutely right.

Indeed, there was a bug in my organization system :-)!

At a time when I had already asked this question, @jensens who was
looking into the subject had come up with the solution that I had noted down, then prepared a Windows 10 computer with all the prerequisite software installed.

Then, something unexpected forced me to put everything aside before installing plone 5.2.2.

Now that I come back to it, I completely forgot to start where I left off.

A thousand excuses. I will do the necessary.

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