Plone 5.2.1 soft-released

Plone 5.2.1 has been soft-released. Please give it a try and let me know if there are any critical issues.

For those who haven't run across soft-releases before, this is the last step before the final release. Because things haven't been finalized yet, some packages may change between now and the release. It is not recommended to use soft-releases in production.

Zope 4.1.1 -> 4.1.3

setuptools: 41.0.1 → 42.0.2

plone.recipe.zope2instance: 6.3.0 → 6.5.1
New features:

- added `wsgi-ini-template` option for specifying a custom template for the generation of the `wsgi.ini` configuration file [ajung] (119-1)

- advanced WSGI logging configuration options for specifying arbitrary logging handlers for event and access log [ajung] (119-2)

- added documentation and examples for advanced WSGI logger configuration [ajung] (119-3)

- Add Sentry support by adding a new filter to the WSGI pipeline. (#124)

Bug fixes:

- for initialization option, string format works for instance console script not for the others
  [mamico] (#130)

- Add documentation for `threads` option. (#126)

- Fix documentation for http-address option. (#127)

- Fixed a deprecation warning when importing ``makerequest`` from ``Testing.ZopeTestCase.utils``.
  This also fixes a side effect which can bite you if you rely on the ``ZOPETESTCASE`` environment variable, only being set to ``1`` during test runs. (#122)

plone.releaser: 1.7.2 → 1.8.0
New features:

- Handle coredev branch 6.0 when releasing packages.
  [maurits] (#27)

Bug fixes:

- Fixed adding some package versions twice when releasing.
  [maurits] (#24)

- Fixed Python 3 compatibility.  [maurits] (#25)

tqdm: 4.32.2 → 4.40.0

twine: 1.13.0 → 1.15.0

zest.releaser: 6.19.0 → 6.19.1
------------------------------ 1.5.2 → 1.5.3
Bug fixes:

- Fix the Debug keyword (#114)

- Remove deprecation warnings [ale-rt] (#116)

i18ndude: 5.3.0 → 5.3.1
Bug fixes:

- Disallow non-word characters (but do allow dashes) in ``i18n:name``
  attributes when running ``find-untranslated`` code analysis. [gyst] (#71)

msgpack: 0.6.1 → 0.6.2

Products.PythonScripts: 4.7 → 4.9
- prevent ResourceWarning/Error by closing default contents file
  (`#39 <>`_)

- Show proper error message for not allowed identifiers.
  (`#33 <>`_)

- Restore History ZMI tab as Zope is supporting it again.
  (`#38 <>`_)

Products.StandardCacheManagers: 4.0.2 → 4.0.3

tempstorage: 5.0 → 5.1
---------------------- 4.0.1 → 4.1

attrs: 19.1.0 → 19.3.0

calmjs.parse: 1.1.3 → 1.2.1

cssselect: 1.0.3 → 1.1.0

decorator: 4.4.0 → 4.4.1

future: 0.17.1 → 0.18.2

futures: 3.2.0 → 3.3.0

jsonschema: 3.0.1 → 3.2.0

lxml: 4.3.4 → 4.4.2

piexif: 1.1.2 → 1.1.3

pillow: 6.1.0 → 6.2.1

pyrsistent: 0.15.2 → 0.15.6

python-dateutil: 2.8.0 → 2.8.1

pytz: 2019.1 → 2019.3

simplejson: 3.16.0 → 3.17.0

urllib3: 1.25.3 → 1.25.7

five.intid: 1.2.3 → 1.2.4
Bug fixes:

- Also catch KeyError when traversing to fix creating relations during Copy&Paste in Zope 4.
  [pbauer] (#12)

- When looking up back-references the lookup using unrestrictedTraverse was way to slow.
  A simplified traverse speeds up the lookup by up 80x. [jensens, 2silver] (#14)

icalendar: 4.0.3 → 4.0.4
Bug fixes:

- Reduce Hypothesis iterations to speed up testing, allowing PRs to pass

mockup: 3.0.2 → 3.1.1
New features:

- Upgrade testing dependencies: Karma (from ~3.0.0 to ~4.1.0) and Mocha (from ~3.5.3 to ~6.1.4) (#913)

- Upgrade jQuery from version 1.11.3 to 1.12.4
  [davilima6] (#915)

- Upgrade jQuery-related dependencies:
    - jqtree: from version 1.4.1 to 1.4.10
    - jquery-form: from 3.5.1 to 4.2.2
    - bootstrap: from 3.3.6 to 3.4.1
    - pickadate: from 3.5.6 to 3.6.4 (#916)

- jqtree: from version 1.4.1 to 1.4.10

- jquery-form: from 3.5.1 to 4.2.2

- bootstrap: from 3.3.6 to 3.4.1

- pickadate: from 3.5.6 to 3.6.4 (#916)

Bug fixes:

- tinymce: Fix tab labels for insert links and images
  [frapell] (#923)

- tinymce link popup external translation (#926)

- tinyimce link popup upload tab shows up even if upload is false in pat data (#927)

- pat-inlinevalidation: Avoid submitting files
  [frapell] (#903)

- Fix marking of navigation parents as inPath
  [agitator] (#906)

- Absolute positioning of default page objects in the structure pattern (take 2 on issue #895) (#908)

- Move toolbar to be above structure pattern, by increasing its z-index from 3 to 20 (fixes Products.CMFPlone#2490)
  [fulv] (#909)

- tinymce pattern: Add some lost i18n translations.
  [adam139] (#910)

- Fix SyntaxError caused by duplicate translation keys
  [davilima6] (#918)

- Fixed drag problem on click on sortable items in folder contents.
  [giuliaghisini] (#919)

- Fix Tinymce pattern: Link popup looses tab selection on active linktype
  Fix autotoc pattern: activate the element link with active class during initialization
  [mamico] (#922)

Plone: 5.2.0 → 5.2.1
New features:

- Release Plone 5.2.1 final
  [esteele] 2.0.2 → 2.0.3
Bug fixes:

- Fix python3 related encoding error on manual purge page.
  [agitator] (#51) 3.7.0 → 3.7.4
Bug fixes:

- Reversed the order of the translations list in plonejsi18n so custom ones come before defaults one (#187)

- Follow default_page_types setting when showing the items that can be selected as default page [erral] (#182)

- Description duplicated in object_rename form
  [mamico] (#186)

- Support
  [jaroel] (#1)

- ``self.errors`` is a list, so ``.append()`` should be used.
  [frapell] (#2) 4.1.1 → 4.1.3
Bug fixes:

- fix genericsetup export of properties of rules that have more complex fields such as IDict. (#50)

- Fix file extension condition. [mtrebron] (#48) 2.1.2 → 2.1.5
Bug fixes:

- for migration tests uninstall if previously installed
  [ericof] (#535)

- Fix richtext ``getText`` view to use the correct schema interface.

- Robot tests: split big content listing scenario, fix deprecations.
  [maurits] (#533)

- Clear schema cache after migration step ``migrate_to_pa_event``. [jensens] (#531)

- Explicitly load zcml of dependencies, instead of using ``includeDependencies``
  [maurits] (#2952) 2.6.3 → 2.6.4
Bug fixes:

- Use https links to documentation. [vincentfretin] (#299)

- Update documentation introduction w/r/t archetypes (#301) (#302)

- Fix mr.bob command in documentation (#305) 3.2.1 → 3.3.2
New features:

- Notification for moderator: show email address of commentator. (#163)

- Link to the commented page for editing, approving, deleting comment instead of linking to ``/@@moderate-publish-comment`` and ``@@moderate-delete-comment``.
  [ksuess] (#163)

- Additional view for approved comments
  [ksuess] (#159)

Bug fixes:

- ``/@@moderate-publish-comment``: publish only pending comment, else show status message "comment already approved".
  [ksuess] (#163)

- Use the shared 'Plone test setup' and 'Plone test teardown' keywords in Robot tests.
  [Rotonen] (#155)

- Load zcml of ``plone.resource`` for our use of the ``plone:static`` directive.
  [maurits] (#2952) 3.2.4 → 3.2.6
Bug fixes:

- Fix Python2 vs. Python3 text and bytes handling in the calendar portlet. (#308)

- Load zcml of ``plone.resource`` for our use of the ``plone:static`` directive.
  [maurits] (#2952) 3.3.12 → 3.3.13
Bug fixes:

- Explicitly load zcml of dependencies, instead of using ``includeDependencies``.
  [maurits] (#2952) 3.2.1 → 3.4.0
New features:

- Add is_navigation_root check in plone_context_state view
  [erral] (#225)

- Add a sorrounding div to the webstats js. Fixes #157
  [erral] (#157)

Bug fixes:

- Fix Home tab localization [vincentfretin] (#222)

- Fix memory leak on getUserInfo [avoinea] (#204) (#210)

- Fix Unicode Error in folders with special chars. See #215 [erral] (#215)

- Add missing translation for screen readers

- Memory leak on getUserInfo [avoinea] (#204) 3.3.11 → 3.3.12
Bug fixes:

- Explicitly load zcml of dependencies, instead of using ``includeDependencies``.
  [maurits] (#2952) 5.1.18 → 5.1.19
- Update Portuguese-BR translations.

- Update French translations.

- Update Slovenian translations, sync from POT files.

- Update German: Inhalte werden "Erstellt" nicht "Erzeugt".

- Minor fixes in Basque

- Update Spanish translation.

- Update basque translation

- Update Slovenian translations.
  [balavec] 5.3.5 → 5.5.0
New features:

- Remove the 'set_language' parameter when 'always_set_cookie' is enabled in language control panel. See #362
  [erral] (#362)

- Add low level events and notifies:
  on register, update and remove of a translation to a translation groups.
  [jensens] (#256)

Bug fixes:

- Use the shared 'Plone test setup' and 'Plone test teardown' keywords in Robot tests.
  [Rotonen] (#349)

- fix adding new language when Language Independent Folder has content
  [petschki] (#358)

- add/update translation forms doesn't show error return from z3c form validation
  [mamico] (#360)

- Remove deprecation warnings in tests.
  Increase readability
  Add code comments.
  Remove superfluos reindex of "Language" in manager.
  [jensens] (#256)

- wrong check for default addview in addtranslation traverser
  [mauro] (#355)

- Remove any dependency to ``archetypes.multilingual``, since this is a indirection.
  Remove all dependencies that are already part of ``Products.CMFPlone``.
  All version specifications were reduced to use a recent ``Products.CMFPlone``.
  The ``decorator`` dependency is no longer used.
  [jensens] (#357) 4.4.2 → 4.4.4
Bug fixes:

- - Remove role="navigation" from Navigation portlet.
    [ericof] (#128) (#128)

- Remove role="navigation" from Navigation portlet.
  [ericof] (#128) (#128)

- Fix review portlet when show on the portal-root (#130)

- Fix default value for label_msgid
  [erral] (#133) 1.4.11 → 1.4.12
Bug fixes:

- Integer criterions: try to convert all input to integers.
  Most notably this did not happen for unicode on Python 2.
  So a ``u"42"`` was passed as value to the catalog query, and this matched either all or nothing.
  [maurits] (#93) 2.1.0 → 2.1.1
Bug fixes:

- Allow performance tests to take more time.
  This seems needed on the Plone Jenkins test server when jobs are run in parallel.
  [maurits] (#20) 1.3.1 → 1.3.2
Bug fixes:

- Check if transform output is actual string on Python 2.
  [agitator] (#37) 4.0.1 → 4.0.4
Bug fixes:

- Fix creating a new theme ttw in py2 with Zope 4.1.3.
  [pbauer] (#166)

- Load zcml of ``plone.resource`` for our use of the ``plone:static`` directive.
  [maurits] (#2952)

- Fixed Python3 TypeError: 'filter' object is not subscriptable.
  This happened when overriding a filesystem theme with a TTW version
  [fredvd] (#160) 2.0.27 → 2.0.31
Bug fixes:

- Make sure plone.staticresources is installed to fix issues with site migrated from 5.0 or 5.1 to 5.2.1.
  [pbauer] (#223)

- Fixed error when upgrading relations.
  [maurits] (#220)

- Add Collection to the default_page_types setting
  [erral] (#216)

- Add empty upgrade step for Plone 5.1.6
  [esteele] (#214) 2.6.0 → 2.6.2
Bug fixes:

- Error happening during user add notification is logged. (#85)

- User feedback if error happens during user add notification. (#86)

- Fix default value for label_msgid. (#88)

- Fix many_groups usage in AddUserForm
  [tmassman] (#83) 4.1.0 → 4.1.1
Bug fixes:

- Principals vocabularies: Fixed handling of results from multiple PAS plugins (like pasldap and mutable_properties). (#60) 3.0.2 → 3.0.3
Bug fixes:

- Run robot tests as Member since the widget will move to the logged-in-bundle.
  [agitator] (#201) 3.1.1 → 3.1.3
Bug fixes:

- - Fix LinkWidget selected tab on edit #108
    [mamico] (#108)

- Fix LinkWidget selected tab on edit #108
  [mamico] (#108)

- Fix wrong default for method attribute in pt
  [mamico] (#107)

plone.dexterity: 2.9.1 → 2.9.2
Bug fixes:

- The debug messages issued when a non existent behavior is recorded in an FTI have been improved [ale-rt] (#109)

- Avoid looking up behaviors with an empty name [ale-rt] (#110)

- Performance enhancement in schema cache by factor ~1.5.
  [jensens] (#113)

- Performance enhancement in schema cache and assignable.
  [jensens] (#115)

- Performance enhancement:
  Refine pre-filtering of attributes on content ``__getattr__``.
  Filter out all permissions (ending with ``_Permission``) and some portal-tools.
  Also often called aquired functions are skipped.
  [jensens] (#116)

- Performance enhancement: avoid a providedBy in ``_default_from_schema``.
  [jensens] (#117)

plone.folder: 3.0.0 → 3.0.1
Bug fixes:

- - Fixes slow lookup of ``documentToKeyMap`` in GopipIndex.
    About up to 66x speedup in some cases.
    This may add up to seconds less on large navtree renderings.
    [jensens] (#14)

- Fixes slow lookup of ``documentToKeyMap`` in GopipIndex.
  About up to 66x speedup in some cases.
  This may add up to seconds less on large navtree renderings.
  [jensens] (#14)

plone.formwidget.namedfile: 2.0.9 → 2.0.10
Bug fixes:

- set widget value to z3c.form.interfaces.NOT_CHANGED when the user selects 'Keep Existing File' in the widget, so z3c.form understands the field has not changed (#41)

plone.namedfile: 5.0.4 → 5.2.1
New features:

- Load SVG files.
  [balavec] (#63)

- Add new interface ``plone.namedfile.interfaces.IPluggableFileFieldValidation`` and ``plone.namedfile.interfaces.IPluggableImageFieldValidation``.
  Refactored: the fields validation now looks for adapters with this interfaces adapting field and value.
  All found adapters are called.
  The image content type checker (existed before) is by now the only adapter implemented and registered so far.
  Other adapters can be registered in related or custom code.
  [jensens] (#81)

Bug fixes:

- Fix tiff support. Remove process_tiff and let the PIL do the work.
  [mamico] (#85)

- Fix content_type in getImageInfo when using PIL.
  [mamicp] (#85)

- fix ResourceWarnings for unclosed files
  [mamico] (#80)

plone.portlet.collection: 3.3.1 → 3.3.2
Bug fixes:

- Fix deprecated import ``isDefaultPage``.

plone.protect: 4.1.2 → 4.1.3
Bug fixes:

- When marking an OOBTree as safe, also mark its buckets as safe. Fixes issues with objects that have many annotations. (#88) 1.4.0 → 1.6.0
New features:

- Remove CMFPlone and make dependency optional [timo] (#81)

- Brown bag release.

- Brown bag release.

plone.restapi: 4.3.1 → 5.0.2
Breaking changes:

- Rename tiles behavior and fields to blocks, migration step.
  [timo, sneridagh] (#821)

New features:

- Add @sources and @querysources endpoints, and link to them from JSON schema in @types response.
  [lgraf] (#790)

- Add @querystring-search endpoint that returns the results of a search using a p.a.querystring query.
  [sneridagh] (#789)

- Use Plone 5.2 and Python 3 as default to generate documentation. [timo] (#800)

- Add @querystring endpoint that dumps p.a.querystring config.
  [lgraf] (#754)

Bug fixes:

- Fix filtering vocabs and sources by title with non-ASCII characters.
  [lgraf] (#825)

- Fix serialization of vocabulary items for fields that need hashable items (e.g. sets).
  [buchi] (#788)

- Fixed startup error when Archetypes is there, but ```` or ```` not.
  [maurits] (#690)

- Explicitly load zcml of dependencies, instead of using ``includeDependencies``
  [maurits] (#2952)

- Fire ModifiedEvent when field is set to null in a PATCH request.
  [phgross] (#802)

- Testing: Drop freezegun and instead selectively patch some timestamp accessors.
  [lgraf] (#803)

- Make group serializer results predictable by returning sorted item results. [timo] (#798)

- Fix typo in the ``tiles_layout`` field title name.
  [sneridagh] (#785)

plone.schemaeditor: 2.0.20 → 2.1.0
New features:

- Deleting fieldsets is now possible through the UI. (#69)

Bug fixes:

- Don't show an error when a "required" field doesn't have a default. Also added a "Done" button. (#71)

plone.staticresources: 1.1.0 → 1.2.0
New features:

- Update jQuery from version 1.11.3 to 1.12.4
  [davilima6] (#34)

- Recompile 'plone' bundle after updating jQuery-related packages (#40)

- Update all components and recompile bundles. (#44)

- Split up bundles for more flexibility and optimized resource loading.
  Move select2 and datepicker to logged-in bundle.
  Move toolbar, portletmanager, querystring and structure pattern to editor bundle.
  Move tinymce to it's own bundle.
  Single out moment.js to reduce plone bundle size and allow async loading.
  Add optional datatables bundle.
  [agitator] (#46)

Bug fixes:

- Fix autotoc pattern: activate the element link with active class during initialization
  [mamico] (#37)

- Fix Tinymce pattern: Link popup looses tab selection on active linktype
  [mamico] (#37)

- build js/css for mockup changes plone/mockup#922
  [mamico] (#37)

- When compiling a bundle and including a resource from a request, open the
  temporary file in binary mode.
  [frapell] (#38)

- Bring fix for
  [frapell] (#41)

- Fix "TTW Bundle compilation broken".
  [thet] (#43)

plone.supermodel: 1.4.0 → 1.5.0
New features:

- Add support for choices of integers for improved registry.xml export.
  [jone] (#32)

Bug fixes:

- tests to ensure schema.Set is serialized consistently (#30)

plone.testing: 7.0.2 → 7.0.3
Bug fixes:

- Fix issue with test-setup when using ZServer 4.0.2.
  [pbauer] (#69)

plone.z3cform: 1.1.0 → 1.1.1
Bug fixes:

- Fix edit/delete in paginated crud-forms [fRiSi]

plonetheme.barceloneta: 2.1.4 → 2.1.6
Bug fixes:

- Revert "Fix the different width of Hide and Show button in action control panel" [vincentfretin] (#187)

- Load zcml of ``plone.resource`` for our use of the ``plone:static`` directive.
  [maurits] (#2952)

Products.CMFCore: 2.4.0 → 2.4.2
- resolve ``docutils`` dependency conflict with ``Zope``
  (`#83 <>`_)

- make sure ``FSFile.__str__`` returns correct native strings under Python 3
  (`#76 <>`_)

- add a ``__bytes__`` method to ``FSFile``

- add more files types to the FSFile registrations

Products.CMFEditions: 3.3.2 → 3.3.3
Bug fixes:

- Fix DeprecationWarning [jensens] (#71)

Products.CMFPlone: 5.2.0 → 5.2.1rc2

Products.DateRecurringIndex: 3.0.0 → 3.0.1
- remove unicode char from CONTRIBUTORS.rst

Products.GenericSetup: 2.0 → 2.0.1
- Fix the sorting of upgrade steps.  [vanderbauwhede]

Products.PlonePAS: 6.0.2 → 6.0.5
Bug fixes:

- - Notify CredentialsUpdated event when password is changed
    [ezvirtual] (#33)

- Notify CredentialsUpdated event when password is changed
  [ezvirtual] (#33)

- - Notify PropertiesUpdated event when member properties are changed
  - Add simple test for PropertiesUpdated event
    [ezvirtual] (#27)

- Notify PropertiesUpdated event when member properties are changed

- Add simple test for PropertiesUpdated event
  [ezvirtual] (#27)

- Log exception from PAS logout() instead of swallowing them
  [ajung] (#50)

- Fix deprecated imports.
  Fix buildout infrastructure for Plone 5.2.
  [thet] (#51)

- Create the MemberData object from an adapter instead of directly instantiating it, as intended in Products.CMFCore.MemberDataTool.
  This allows for better extensibility.
  [thet] (#52)

Products.PluggableAuthService: 2.0 → 2.2
- Add new events to be able to notify when a principal is added to
  or removed from a group. Notify these events when principals are
  added or removed to a group in ZODBGroupManager
  (`#17 <>`_)

- Fix bug in ``getRolesForPrincipal`` for non PAS user.

- Fix formatting in "Plugin Types" documentation.

- Fixed error assigning roles in ``manage_roles`` page in ZMI.
  See issues `#43 <>`_
  and `#51 <>`_.

Products.PluginRegistry: 1.7 → 1.8
- Rely on Zope 4 branch for unit tests to retain Python 2 compatibility

- Add ``movePluginsTop`` method to registry.

- Fix linting.

Products.Sessions: 4.5 → 4.6
- Banish dependency on ``Products.TemporaryFolder`` into a tests extra
  and point out its issues under Zope 4 in the README.
  (`#26 <>`_)

- Switch tests dependencies to Zope 4.x branch to retain Python 2 compatibility

- Fix access permissions for ``meta_type`` and ``zmi_icon`` properties so
  they don't raise when accessed in the admin interface.
  (`#24 <>`_)

- Fix Python 3 compatibility of ``_p_resolveConflict``.
  (`#25 <>`_)

Products.ZSQLMethods: 3.0.7 → 3.0.9

z3c.caching: 2.1 → 2.2
- Fix DeprecationWarnings: import moves from ``zope.component`` to ``zope.interface``.
  Depend on zope.interface >= 3.8.0.

- Add support for Python 3.8a3.

zodbverify: 1.0.1 → 1.0.2
Bug fixes:

- Open Data.fs in read only mode. (#2)

plone.formwidget.datetime: 1.3.4 → 1.3.5

z3c.relationfield: 0.8.0 → 0.9.0
New features:

- Provide IRelationBrokenEvent to be able to distinguish the event when
  subscribing to IObjectModifiedEvent
  [vangheem] 4.3.1 → 4.3.2
------------------------------- 2.3.1 → 2.3.2

trollius: 2.2 → 2.2.post1
------------------------- 2.1.0 → 2.1.1
Bug fixes:

- Fix IOError: cannot write mode RGBA as JPEG on ImageField scale

archetypes.multilingual: 3.0.6 → 3.0.7
Bug fixes:

- Fix test dependency for Plone 5.2
  [jensens] (#28)


Looking good. I upgraded several sites that started out at various version of 4.3, 5.0 or 5.2 without issues. I also updated our buildout:

Hi @esteele I've just released 5.1.20 with some updated translations.


Tested on one small customer site, and seems fine.

1 Like

I use it now with a heavily customized internal site and it works great.

Working well here on a heavily customized site. (in fact, better now)

1 Like


I just gave 5.2.1 a quick shot in one of our current very large client project. Upgrading from 5.2.0 to 5.2.1raises an error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/kitconcept/workspace/pt_XXX_plone-5.2.1/api/parts/instance/bin/interpreter", line 299, in <module>
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/home/kitconcept/.buildout/eggs/Zope-4.1.1-py3.7.egg/Zope2/", line 55, in app
  File "/home/kitconcept/.buildout/eggs/Zope-4.1.1-py3.7.egg/Zope2/", line 50, in startup_wsgi
  File "/home/kitconcept/.buildout/eggs/Zope-4.1.1-py3.7.egg/Zope2/App/", line 87, in startup
  File "/home/kitconcept/.buildout/eggs/Zope-4.1.1-py3.7.egg/OFS/", line 380, in import_products
    import_product(product_dir, product_name)
  File "/home/kitconcept/.buildout/eggs/Zope-4.1.1-py3.7.egg/OFS/", line 390, in import_product
    global_dict, global_dict, ('__doc__', ))
  File "/home/kitconcept/.buildout/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.16.1-py3.7.egg/Products/Archetypes/", line 2, in <module>
    import bbb
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'bbb'

Seems somehow an Archetypes dependency is fetched. I can reproduce this on our company Jenkins as well, so it is not a local dev env issue. No idea how the AT dependency is introduced. We are on Python 3, so not surprise it fails.

Will investigate further tomorrow...

Update: This had nothing to do with Plone 5.2.1. I fetched and older version of collective.solr with fetched the AT dependency. Sorry for the noise!

1 Like

I am running into an infinite setuptools restart, going from 5.2-latest

As described here:

adding the following to buildout.cfg stopped the looping

setuptools =

While doing a dry-run upgrade, I saw this:

/usr/local/Plone52/zeocluster/eggs/Products.CMFPlone-5.2.1rc2-py3.7.egg/Products/CMFPlone/resources/browser/ DeprecationWarning: The 'warn' method is deprecated, use 'warning' instead
  logger.warn(u'Could not find resource {0}. You may have to create it first.'.format(path))  # noqa
2019-12-21 08:23:04,169 WARNING [Products.CMFPlone.resources.browser.combine:53][waitress] Could not find resource ++plone++static/plone-datatables-compiled.css. You may have to create it first.

Added new and waitress releases.

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Works fine with the new versions as well.

I fixed a bug in in plone.dexterity (fix was released) and a there is a second in there I am hunting at the moment (shortly before PR). @esteele , please wait for the second fix to be released, otherwise things like collective.recipe.plonesite may have problems.

here is the second bugfix

The second fix was merged. After a release I would give green light for Plone 5.2.1 from my POV.

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plone.dexterity 2.9.4 has been released with the fixes from @jensens and it seems to work fine:

@esteele I guess we could do the final 5.2.1 release now.

Quick note: there's a line missing in the latest plone.staticresources changelog, not sure we can do anything about it with towncrier involved, but I opened a PR here to track it down and possibly fix it.

All mentioned bugfixes are merged, I think we're finally good to go.

I'd like to have some more things merged :blush:
But I'm ok to wait for the next release. Both things are broken since some time already.

A blocker (IMO):

A missing feature (nice to have):

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I agree that the first bug in @thet's list, which was filed yesterday and fixed today (still not reviewed/merged), should become a blocker for release:

Otherwise it's a release with 100% broken TTW Builds ;(

waitress 1.4.0 is pinned, but 1.4.1 and 1.4.2 have been released for some security fixes

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That's already taken care of.