Plone 5.1rc2 soft-released

FYI: I finished the migration of the plone.restapi buildout from 5.1b4 to 5.1rc2.

In addition to the test issue, I had to pin plone.namedfile to 4.2.3 and to 3.0.6 to make it work. The most recent versions did not work for me. See for details.

Is this gone (should I use something else)


Anyone tried with relstorage yet?

I haven't ruled out all local id10t errors yet, but it seems that ZEO = 5.1.1 version pin is giving me problems.

Can anyone reporoduce by adding relstorage to their buildout and successully starting the server?

I'll create a separate thread to fully describe the issue if necessary.

There is a new pending release, see this thread:

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