Plone 5.1rc2 soft-released

Plone 5.1rc2 has been soft-released. Please give it a try and let me know if there are any critical issues.

For those who haven't run across soft-releases before, this is the
last step before the final release. Because things haven't been
finalized yet, some packages may change between now and the release. It
is not recommended to use soft-releases in production.


ZopeUndo: 4.2 → 4.3

initgroups: 3.0 → 4.0

coverage: 4.4.1 → 4.4.2

zope.interface: 4.4.2 → 4.4.3

Products.ZCatalog: 3.0.2 → 3.0.3
- Fix a bug in the BooleanIndex where documents without an entry in
  the index were not being filtered out in all queries.

zodbpickle: 0.6.0 → 0.7.0

zc.buildout: 2.9.4 → 2.9.5

plone.releaser: 1.5.4 → 1.5.5
Bug fixes:

- Skip over broken version definitions when building the unified changelog.

zest.releaser: 6.12.4 → 6.13.1

robotframework-debuglibrary: 0.8 → 0.8.2

Sphinx: 1.6.3 → 1.6.5

certifi: 2017.7.27.1 → 2017.11.5

lxml: 4.0.0 → 4.1.1

Pillow: 4.2.1 → 4.3.0

pytz: 2017.2 → 2017.3

simplejson: 3.11.1 → 3.12.0

tqdm: 4.15.0 → 4.19.4

borg.localrole: 3.1.3 → 3.1.4
Bug fixes:

- Made test compatible with zope4.  [pbauer]

collective.monkeypatcher: 1.1.2 → 1.1.3
New features:

- Document possible problems when patching module level functions
  [frisi] 2.2.4 → 2.2.5
- Fix ``test_edit_with_errors`` to not import a private variable from
  ``zope.pagetemplate``. Fixes test failure with latest zope.pagetemplate.

icalendar: 3.11.7 → 4.0.0
Breaking changes:

- Drop support for Python 2.6 and 3.3.

New features:

- Accept Windows timezone identifiers as valid. #242 [geier]

Bug fixes:

- Fix ResourceWarnings in when Python warnings are enabled. #244 [jdufresne]

- Fix invalid escape sequences in string and bytes literals. #245 [jdufresne]

- Include license file in the generated wheel package. #243 [jdufresne]

- Fix non-ASCII TZID and TZNAME parameter handling. #238 [clivest]

- Docs: update install instructions. #240 [Ekran]

mockup: 2.6.0 → 2.6.2
New features:

- Structure pattern:

  - Make action menu bar sticky.
  - Make action menu more compact, so that it doesn't break into a newline early.
  - Use more tooltips in the action menu.

- Make action menu bar sticky.

- Make action menu more compact, so that it doesn't break into a newline early.

- Use more tooltips in the action menu.

- Related items pattern:

  - Avoid double initialization of Select2.

  - Added options to change sorting.

- Avoid double initialization of Select2.

- Added options to change sorting.

- TinyMCE pattern:

  - Make anchor handling more flexible

  - Mark special links
  - Do not mark anchors as special links

- Make anchor handling more flexible

- Mark special links

- Do not mark anchors as special links

Bug fixes:

- Related items widget: Fix case, where ``initSelection`` broke on an error in Select2.

- Querystring pattern: Fix #716, where the path-depth was added to string values like the title when a path criteria was present.

- Structure pattern:

  - Set default page icon on item row. Fixes:
  - Pass event data for the ``structure-url-changed`` event correctly.

  [jensens, thet]

- Set default page icon on item row. Fixes:

- Pass event data for the ``structure-url-changed`` event correctly.

- Restore ability from < 2.5.1 to let the ``drop`` callback be a function.
  It can still be the name of the function in the global namespace.
  Fixes #808.

- Concatenate value for select multiple input in generic popover in the structure pattern.

Plone: 5.1rc1 → 5.1rc2
New features:

- Release Plone 5.1rc2

plone.api: 1.8 → 1.8.1
Bug fixes:

- Don't rename an object when the id already is the target id.
  Fixes `issue 361 <>`_.

- Change content.delete to allow both obj=None and objects=[] or objects=None.
  Fixes `issue 383 <>`_.

- Let ``zope.i18n`` do the language negotiation for our ``translate`` function.
  Our ``get_current_translation`` does not always give the correct one, especially with combined languages:
  ``nl-be`` (Belgian/Flemish) should fall back to ``nl`` (Dutch).
  The correct negotiated language can also differ per translation domain, which we do not account for.
  ``zope.i18n`` does that better.
  Fixes `issue 379 <>`_.

- Fix use of Globals.DB which was removed in Zope4 (Fix
  [pbauer] 1.2.18 → 1.2.19
New features:

- Purging all image scale paths and file paths in custom dexterity content types. [karalics] 3.4.4 → 3.4.5
New features:

- Folder Contents: More compact toolbar
  Instead of showing titles in the menu bar action buttons, show only icons and add a tooltip.
  This makes the menu bar more compact and avoids breaking into two lines.
  Also: Better icons for copy and paste.

- Move AT specific code in PropertiesActionView in its own method.

Bug fixes:

- Imports are Python3 compatible
  [ale-rt, jensens]

- Fix translations in the delete pop-over

- Allow ``plonejsi18n`` accept empty domains when calling.
  This avoids ``BadRequest`` errors, when being called without a domain url query string.

- Fix and optimize *getVocabulary*-view to work with alternate fulltext
  indexes, which don't return brains as search results
  [tomgross] 1.3.1 → 1.3.2
Bug fixes:

- Fix tests after collective.indexing moved into core.
  [pbauer] 1.4.3 → 1.4.6
New features:

- Allow to patch searchableText index during migrations.

- Expose option to skip catalog-reindex after migration in form.

- Test SVG handling

- Use post_handler instead of import_steps.

Bug fixes:

- Remove last use of ``atcontenttypes`` translation domain.
  Fixes `issue 37 <>`_.

- Don't overwrite existing settings for Plone Site.

- Do not install when installing

- Do not use a default value in the form of ``http://`` for the link.
  The new link widget resolves that to the portal root object.
  Also, it's not a valid URL.

- Remove obsolete HAS_MULTILINGUAL from utils.

- Clean up all ``__init__`` methods of the browser views to avoid unnecessary code execution.

- Make sure the effects of the robotframework REMOTE_LIBRARY_BUNDLE_FIXTURE
  fixture are not accidentally removed as part of tearing down the
  [davisagli] 2.4.6 → 2.4.7
Bug fixes:

- Make sure robot autologin test fixture is not accidentally torn down
  when the Dexterity fixture's ZODB sandbox is reverted.
  [davisagli] 3.0.3 → 3.0.4
Bug fixes:

- Make sure the effects of the robotframework REMOTE_LIBRARY_ROBOT_TESTING fixture
  are not accidentally removed when tearing down the PLONE_APP_DISCUSSION_ROBOT_TESTING fixture.
  [davisagli] 3.0.6 → 3.0.7
Bug fixes:

- Fixed check for events iterable in Zope 4. [davisagli] 1.2.3 → 1.2.4
Bug fixes:

- Fix webdav PUT of index_html to work in Zope 4.
  [davisagli] 3.3.5 → 3.3.6
Bug fixes:

- Fix #54: Cancelling a check out from the original deletes the original.
  [jensens] 2.7.4 → 2.7.5
New features:

- Toolbar: Use pattern variables to configure the toolbar and submenu widths from plone.lessvariables.
  [thet] 3.3.2 → 3.3.3
New features:

- Prevent linkintegrity-handler from doing anything when it is switched of in the registry.
  This change also prevents some issues in migration from AT to DX since linkintegrity is disabled during the migration.

Bug fixes:

- Fix a missing tal condition in `` that caused a
  paragraph to be always visible, even without link breaches.

- Fix view @@updateLinkIntegrityInformation after Language='all' no longer works.
  [pbauer] 5.1.2 → 5.1.3
New features:

- Set shortname ``plone.translatable`` to behavior ````.

Bug fixes:

- Fix serialization of query variables for selector links in Zope 4.
  [davisagli] 1.4.6 → 1.4.7
Bug fixes:

- Fix tests with CMF 2.3. [davisagli]

- Fix querybuilder if SearchableText is a dict {'query': '...'}
  [tomgross] 5.0.7 → 5.0.8
Bug fixes:

- Load Products.PageTemplates ZCML.  [tschorr] 2.0.8 → 2.0.9
New features:

- Add upgrade step for 5.2 to register tools as utilities.
  Run it before testing the zexp-import.

Bug fixes:

- Fixed WrongType exception when migrating installed Iterate to 5.0.

- Adapt to changes in CMF 2.4 (getCurrentKeyFormat removed) and Zope 4 (not Products in Control Panel).

- Register upgrades for Plone 5.2

- Fix installation of IUserGroupsSettingsSchema into registry for Plone 5.0rc1.

- Avoid swallowing errors during registry setting upgrades.
  [davisagli] 3.0.2 → 3.0.3
New features:

- Link widget: add ``placeholder`` attributes for external and email link input fields.

Bug fixes:

- Fix: Add missing i18n-domains to templates.

- Use RichTextValue's output_relative_to(self.context) in RichTextWidget so the ITransform doesn't use siteroot.

- Fix in link widget data converter for ``toWidgetValue`` to return an empty structure when the field value is empty instead of returning the portal root object.

- Keep "internal" links with query strings as external links, otherwise
  the query string is lost

- Allow an additional CSS class for widgets in this package

- Document customization of widgets

plone.autoform: 1.7.3 → 1.7.4
New features:

- Allow configuration of fieldsets via ``plone.supermodel`` fieldset directives via a schema without fields.
  This can be used to create a Plone behavior for stable ordering of fieldsets.

- Add handler registration for text input widgets to support e.g. 'placeholder'
  parameter in parameterized widgets

plone.dexterity: 2.5.2 → 2.5.4
Bug fixes:

- Fix tests on Zope 4. [davisagli]

- Give more context to the 'schema cannot be resolved' warning.  [gotcha]

plone.formwidget.namedfile: 2.0.4 → 2.0.5
Bug fixes:

- remove mention of "retina" (

plone.namedfile: 4.2.3 → 4.2.4
Bug fixes:

- remove mention of "retina" (

plone.portlet.collection: 3.2 → 3.3.0
Bug fixes:

- Fix collection selection for Plone 5.1

- Fix test. Portlet renderer no longer mixes in Acquisition.Explicit.

plone.scale: 2.2 → 3.0
Breaking changes:

- Restore scale down behaviour from 1.x series without the huge memory usage.

New features:

- Handle TIFF images with alpha channels.

plone.supermodel: 1.3.3 → 1.3.4
Bug fixes:

- Python3 compatibility with sixer

plonetheme.barceloneta: 1.7.4 → 1.7.5
New features:

- Add more HTML text based input types.

- Fix disabled styles for readonly and disabled inputs, selects, textareas and fieldsets.

- Define variable ``cursor-disabled`` in variables.less for better reuse.

- Add theme classifier.

Products.CMFFormController: 3.1.4 → 3.1.5
Bug fixes:

- Do only allow default profile to show up at site setup screen.

- Deprecate profiles confusing name.
  Old: Products.CMFFormController:CMFFormController.
  New: Products.CMFFormController:default.

Products.CMFPlone: 5.1rc1 → 5.1rc2
New features:

- Toolbar: Allow configuration of the toolbar and submenu width via pattern variables.

- Update npm dependencies.

Bug fixes:

- Show example for expression in actions control panel.

- Improved isURLInPortal according to PloneHotfix20171128.
  Accept only http/https, and doubly check escaped urls.  [maurits]

- Fixed Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow being marked as not installed after upgrade from 4.3.
  This is true for any package in the Products namespace that was installed.
  Fixes `issue 2103 <>`_.

- Fixed add-on listed as uninstalled when the default profile is not the first alphabetically.
  Fixes `issue 2166 <>`_.

- Less variables: Fix calculation of screen max sizes.
  Max sizes were two pixels too high.

- Mockup update.

- Remove site path from path in show_inactive in catalog search

- Don't raise Unauthorized on show_inactive check in catalog search

- Bump metadata.xml version.

- Extract CMFDefault specific config from `meta.zcml` into `meta-bbb.zcml`
  to allow AT free and AT included sites.

- Add basic tests for all main zmi management screens.

- Fixes #2105: how to get ``email_from_name`` information in sendto_form.

Products.PortalTransforms: 3.1 → 3.1.1
Bug fixes:

- Do not expose dead settings in ``safe_html`` ZMI settings page.
  This fixes `Products.CMFPlone #2130 <>`_

Products.statusmessages: 5.0 → 5.0.1
Bug fixes:

- Fix issue where encoding and decoding of statusmessages into cookie
  raised exception, because of
  ``TypeError: Struct() argument 1 must be string, not unicode``

z3c.formwidget.query: 0.15 → 0.16
Bug fixes:

- Improved code quality.  [maurits] 1.7.2 → 1.7.3
Bug fixes:

- Adapt test to changes in ZPublisher.HTTPResponse.setHeader

- Remove no longer existing icons from type definitions.

- Fix bug where Image blob fields couldn't be used with
  archetypes.schemaextender unless the parent class subclasses
  [MatthewWilkes] 1.2.4 → 1.2.5
Bug fixes:

- Hide uninstall from install screens.

Products.Archetypes: 1.14.2 → 1.14.3
Bug fixes:

- Test fixes for changes in querystring options.

- Remove redefinition of builtin 'set' in a macro.

Products.ATContentTypes: 2.3.6 → 2.3.7
Bug fixes:

- Added verbosity to the multiple GS profiles popping up.
  Mark all as ``old`` and ``backward compatibility``.
  This hopefully reduces the error rate in site setup.

archetypes.multilingual: 3.0.5 → 3.0.6
Bug fixes:

- Hide uninstall from site setup screen.
  [jensens] 1.4.1 → 1.4.2
Bug fixes:

- Imports are Python3 compatible
  [ale-rt] 4.1.0 → 4.1.1
------------------------------- 2.0rc5 → 2.0rc8

plone.tiles: 2.0.0b2 → 2.0.0b3
Breaking changes:

- Fix querystring en-/decoder to always skip primary fields

I think this:

is (still) a bug (but I am not sure 'in what')

Hi @espenmn, your error is definitely not reproducible. Tried on fresh 5.1rc2, with all browsers I can test on two different machines, and the actions menu works perfectly.

strange: I have two different Phone 5.1 that has the same 'bug'.

  1. I need to change the z-index
  2. the action icons can be seen 'through the overlay (z-index issue)

I am on Safari OSX, maybe that is the problem.

Update, I have the same problem with Firefox.
I made a Phone site here ( mrbob / action17 ):

works on your test site for me as well, but I'm on Firefox 57 / Chrome 63 on Linux.

Aside from which is already fixed in I had no issues with my projects. A new release of would be great.
Do I understand correctly that 5.1rc2 still needs the latest Hotfix? is now running 5.1rc2 feel free to test it.

I cannot reproduce your issue in any browser on my mac @espenmn.

@pbauer I pushed 2.0.10 that includes your fix. Thanks.

I saw this yesterday while looking over the shoulder of a customer.
I was sitting in front of them and was unable to reproduce it on my machine.
It definitely was an issue on their machine though. I wonder if it could be related to some extension on Chrome or worse malware.

I reoperend and added a new fix in which means we would also need a new release of p.a.c once that is merged.

I logged in on and I have the same issue there, so maybe it is something with my browsers ( Safari / Firefox), or the OS X itself 10.13.1

I saw the issue with Chrome on a Windows machine.

on (just now)
Linux computer with Firefox 57 64 bits: nothing to see
Windows server 2016 with latest patches, Firefox 57 64 bits: idem
Windows server 2016 with latest patches, IE 11: idem
Windows server 2016 with latest patches, Chrome 57 32 bits: problem as described does not appear however there is an extra sensibility to drag and drop that means that sometimes clicking on the action triggers the drag and drop, even if the menu is already opened. 1.4.7 released and uploaded.

1 Like

After some testing, I think the problem is that some mice ( 'mouse-es' :slight_smile: ) takes 'clicking' for dragging, especially if you click before stopping the movement.

Although this is not a 'bug', we could consider 'not making the part with the icons draggable ? (if that is doable )

Also bad touchpads with tap to click, bad touch screens.

Interesting. So I can tell my customer that they're "holding it wrong" and suggest that they change their mouse :slight_smile: :smile:

Designing for bad hardware is a genuinely interesting UX challenge on top of the normal 'you cannot predict end user behaviour' layer.

when on

and i select from l/h toolbar: manager/preferences/personal information I get this error:
(where do I file bug reports for 5.1)
Traceback (innermost last):
Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 138, in publish
Module ZPublisher.mapply, line 77, in mapply
Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 48, in call_object
Module, line 93, in call
Module z3c.form.form, line 233, in call
Module plone.z3cform.fieldsets.extensible, line 65, in update
Module plone.z3cform.patch, line 30, in GroupForm_update
Module, line 132, in update
Module z3c.form.form, line 136, in updateWidgets
Module z3c.form.field, line 243, in update
Module z3c.form.datamanager, line 102, in canWrite
Module z3c.form.datamanager, line 66, in adapted_context
TypeError: ('Could not adapt', <Container at /Plone/en>, )

i filed bug here:

Thanks for reporting. That issue is already known:

It applies to 5.0 as well and is no blocker for 5.1