Plone 5.1 translations

To get an overview of how far translations are for a the plone domain, go to a checkout of, go to the plone/app/locales/locales directory where the plone.pot file is, and do this:

i18ndude list -p plone

Currently, German is at 83 percent. Together with Japanese, that puts German at the ninth place, if you include English.

This would need to be done for all domains, currently seven, but the plone one is by far the biggest.
You can also get an html table version:

i18ndude list -p plone -t

It seems good for us to do that and copy the result in a post to a few days or a week before a new release.
Let me post it here now. Note that I don't know who came up with the different 'tiers' in the table. That is hardcoded somewhere in i18ndude.
Well, this forum does not like me pasting raw html. Let's do the list instead then:

$ i18ndude list -p plone
Messages: 2798

Tier 1:

100% - English (en)
90% - French (fr)
90% - Italiano (it)
83% - Deutsch (de)
100% - Español (es)
96% - Nederlands (nl)
75% - Chinese Simplified (zh-cn)
95% - Traditional Chinese (zh-tw)
83% - Japanese (ja)
10% - 한국어 (ko)
88% - Português do Brasil (pt-br)
74% - Russian (ru)
55% - Polish (pl)
49% - Türkçe (tr)
13% - Thai (th)
37% - Arabic (ar)

Tier 2:

60% - English (sv)
56% - Suomeksi (fi)
82% - Danish (da)
47% - Português (pt)
58% - Romanian (ro)
35% - Magyar (hu)
39% - עברית (he)
40% - Bahasa Indonesia (id)
66% - Czech (cs)
27% - Ελληνικά (el)
51% - Norsk (no)
45% - Vietnamese (vi)
45% - Bulgarian (bg)
9% - Croatian (hr)
36% - Lithuanian (lt)
52% - Slovenčina (sk)
0% - tl (tl)
77% - Slovenian (sl)
22% - Serbian (sr)
60% - Catalan (ca)
28% - Latviešu (lv)
81% - Українська (uk)
7% - Hindi (hi)

Tier 3:

52% - Afrikaans (af)
3% - Albanian (sq)
8% - Armenian (hy)
100% - Basque (eu)
8% - Bengali (bn)
18% - Burmese (my)
15% - Chinese(HongKong) (zh-hk)
50% - Esperanto (eo)
17% - Estonian (et)
17% - Furlan (fu)
38% - Galego (gl)
15% - Georgian (ka)
15% - Kannada (kn)
22% - Macedonian (mk)
8% - Nynorsk (nn)
18% - Persian (fa)
8% - Telugu (te)
18% - Welsh (cy)
8% - tamil (ta)