I'm revising Implementing PLIPS — Plone Documentation v5.2 for Plone 6 and this decade in https://github.com/plone/documentation/pull/1671/conflicts.
Does the Framework Team still exist?
There's been no activity in here since Jul 2021.
There's no Discord channel for the FWT.
The PLIP GitHub project board has not been updated since Feb 1, 2022 (29 open PLIPs on the board). Yet there are 9 open PLIPs not on the board.
Volto has been generating PLIPs (26 open isses, 2 open PRs) like there's no tomorrow, and none of them are on the PLIP project board.
39 open PLIPs are in other repositories.
There's a total of 105 open PLIPs (101 issues and 4 pull requests) in various repos.
Based on this, it appears that there is no formal process or Framework Team review, and a PLIP is managed by whatever people are interested in that specific repository.
I found a PLIP template which appears to get copy-pastad into other repositories ad hoc. It has an outdated link that redirects, then 404s.
Can anyone please inform me so I can update the docs with current information? Thank you!