Hello, I am Pavan, Computer Science Masters's student interested in working on the project "Add WebAuthn 2 support for Plone" for GSOC 2023.
To get started I wanted to complete master plone 6 training (I use windows) but I could not install plone due to Makefile commands like "venv/bin" instead of "venv/Scripts" I tried changing Makefile and also typing commands one after other in windows terminal by myself(I use git-bash). After going through the documentation I found other ways to complete installation for windows but before going ahead I wanted to check if is it possible complete master plone 6 training using the windows system or should I install Linux on windows with WSL and then use that for training and future works.
From what I have seen is that many times using docker in windows causes problems as it is a very heavy application that uses a lot of memory and CPU power, so it is recommended to use Linux based system.
The installation guide does recommend using WSL if you are on Windows. I'm working on getting a lightweight dev environment for Windows without WSL or Docker - it should be theoretically possible to do all of this but there's no instructions for it yet. Previously we used zc.buildout to get everything set up. Plone 6 has moved to a pure python venv for managing packages and this leaves a lot of work to be done by something like cookiecutter with Make to build all of the binaries and configs. It would be nice to have a Windows bash script alternative, and preferably making containerization optional.
I installed WSL at first, but it was quite confusing for me. So currently I am using Virtual box with Ubuntu and it is very easy to play around if you are familiar with linux commands.