Jenkins pull request build problems [RESOLVED]

I'm flagging your post for being incredibly aggressive | unconstructive | intimidating | ridiculing | derogating, and finally trying to undermine my competence by letting us know about yet another unconfirmed assumption you have about my person – aka ad hominem attack – as a response for two simple, perfectly legit questions, deriving out of yet another false assumption you made, besides of making plainly false statements, like I wouldn't have written a comment.

To the other kind peeps who are able to communicate in a respectful manner:
I closed the PR to avoid the risk that an active PR could start another Jenkins-job.
That was maybe wrong, and a decision made out of guts, because the docs don't say anything, so it goes to the humans who have time to answer and are able to communicate in a reasonable, and rudimentary respectful way:

Was that correct?

Just want to be sure, mainly to avoid more aggressive attacks.