I have not tried ReactPy on a large project yet. Currently, there is no support for Plone in ReactPy. First, ReactPy-Plone needs to be developed to provide Plone-support in ReactPy. ReactPy does support other Python projects like Django (ReactPy-Django) and Flask (built-in).
I know the frontend world is oriented towards ReactJS, so there is a big community out there. While there is also a big PHP community, that does not lead me to choose a PHP solution as a backend. ReactJS is not as comfortable on the server as Python is (to be honest, I do not get around with ReactJS and such). Because it seems that ReactPy can achieve similar results as ReactJS, I would like to investigate the feasibility of a ReactPy frontend for the Plone backend.
Note: my personal opinion is that Python developers should primarily focus on Python. If the frontend can be developed in Python, then it should be done in Python, please. All the others just have to follow.
So why some move away from Classic UI? The UI was already Python.
It depends on tools. Python is good for a monolithic process but for rapid UI changes nothing beat modern frameworks (only a more modern framework do it).
Other point:
Python code cannot be downloaded and compiled on the fly on the browser as Javascript, so you're wasting server CPU cycles to compile and run things that can be run on the client.
Mobile first has nothing to do with the fact that a UI is rendered in the Python backend (Classic UI) or in the JavaScript frontend (Volto). Both existing frontends are mobile ready. The details are here in the implemented theme layer.
Regarding ReactPy, nobody is stopping you to build a frontend for Plone with it, but i would not expect to much effort from other people for this project.
And building what people build the last years and is now Volto, takes many hands over quite some time.
The Plone developers will not change from pure Recact (Volto) to PyReact.
First of all for reasons mentioned already by @ebrehault and second it would be a huge effort.
Ok. I was under the impression that Volto is made to provide a better user experience, especially for mobile, and that this comes together with a mobile-first approach. At the end it turns out that I do not need Volto because both existing frontends are mobile-ready. Thanks.
Alright thanks for the feedback, i'm still going through the tutorials and codebase, will send in another idea if i discover one, or better still wait for the ideas list for Gsoc to be released.
Just willing to know, that can we create begginer friendly issues? Like in the above picture,if that logo of plone could be adjusted a little then it will enhance the UX design.
Hi @07tAnyA !
I would say it is a good start, and it is probably not needed to go any deeper until you know which project you want to candidate for.
(We will publish our official list of projects by the end of the month, but some of them have been already a bit discussed in this thread.)
Sir, I have to ask one thing that whatever stuffs was required to do , I did them without using docker as it was consuming a lot of space. I am sure many have addressed this . So will it create any impact on performance?
Oh no, no problem here, it is perfectly fine if you run your Plone backend directly on your machine (that's actually my preferred method when developing).
In dev context, Docker just saves the pain to deploy all the dependencies yourself, but that's all.
Volto gives you more options and has in fact the more modern UI.
But if you don't want to dive into frontend development, you can go with the existing Classic UI and spend energy there to improve it.
I think the Classic UI Team would beg to differ. There is considerable effort to continue to support Classic UI as a frontend to Plone because Volto does not yet provide feature parity with Classic UI. Creating events is just one example, but also many of the control panels including import-export don't have the same functionality, not to mention add-ons.