HTML code editing in Volto-slate editor

Hello all,

I am testing plone6 beta for migration from plone 5.

Is it possible to edit the html code of a react block in the Volto slate editor?

I would like to copy and paste a block of html code to provide a product affiliation link in my page.

Thank you.

@azuki-addict You can use the HTML block, which accepts HTML. Notice that it is subject to the "safe HTML" Plone rules, so you may need to configure some of this stuff in the Plone Classic Control panel.

Thank you very much!
I did not notice that I can switch the type of block by typing slash

I was able to successfully copy and paste the html code into the HTML block!

BTW. Is there a way (other than reformat the code) to enter a new line in HTML code?

The HTML code is automatically reformatted when clicking on the Eye button

@tiberiuichim: Yes. But (as I asked) is there a way (other than reformat the code) to enter a new line in HTML code?

Probably not. The HTML block is seen as an escape hatch in Volto, so in principle it won't get a lot of attention. All features in Volto need a "champion", so if you care about this feature, please contribute it, it will be more then welcome.

question: where I can find the source code oft the HTML block?

The handling of Enter key is not clear. See How does Volto handle the `Enter`-Key?