How to add categories?

I'd like to put the post below in a "Plone Hosting" category, but there isn't one. Can one be created or is there another category to use?

category "Deployment & hosting" added, and I've applied that to your post.

I am a Plone site admin. I am interested in starting a category for Plone site admins to share information on the best products to use, issues they are having etc. This would be for experienced Plone users, but not necessarily developers.

do you think this would be a good idea? If so, would you create a category for this topic?


Sounds like a great idea. I've created the category "Administering Plone sites" for now. If you have a snazzier title, please let me know and I'll rename!

thanks for the help. title is cool.

do you have any suggestions how to advertise this? Would it make sense to post on the Plone user group?


Advertising it on the user group is good, but obviously works best if we first have some questions (and answers :wink: ) on it...