Is there an example how to configure two clients accessing a zeo server with a pip installation of Plone 6?
Can this be done with cookiecutter-zope-instance?
In other words, how to get a similar configuration in a pip installation of Plone 6 as if we do install it like the following?
Indeed, at least the bit of installing a zeo-server (zope.mkzeoinstance) together with the cookiecutter configuration for using the zeo-server in a Plone client is missing.
got stuck after downloading all the eggs (python 100% with top, no text output after several minutes), while installing Plone, zeo and zope.mkzeoinstance separately worked.
Installing from pip, so I don't have any instance.yml or cookiecutter-plone-starter in place. I did it with pip install addon and worked but what about versions or constrainst?
Maybe it is better to use mxdev and cookiecutter-plone-starter?
That could be. When I tried the second way, I upgraded pip as the gist suggested. Thanks!
A question: is it possible to install just the classic part of Plone 6 and skip frontend/Volto using the cookiecutter plone starter? Reading the makefile, I think it is make install-backend.
My goal is to create a prod environment for a Plone ClassicUI site.
/cookiecutter-plone-starter/{{ cookiecutter.project_slug }}/backend# make build-dev
+ which python3
++ tput setaf 2
++ tput sgr0
+ echo '==> Create instance configuration'
==> Create instance configuration
+ bin/cookiecutter -f --no-input --config-file instance.yaml gh:plone/cookiecutter-zope-instance
Unable to render variable 'load_zcml'
Error message: 'collections.OrderedDict object' has no attribute 'python_package_name'
Context: {
The problem is that I cannot run make config (same error as above) neither cookiecutter . because it tries to install volto npm packages and the docker instance, while I would like just to install Plone 6 Classic UI locally.
So, is it possible to use to install Plone or the best way is to use a minimal mx.ini as you showed at the PloneConf 2022?
Yes! Just clone it, edit the post hook and comment out the prepare_frontend part, then go to the {{ }} template dir -> backend and in the Makefile comment out the $(FORMAT) part (it is a docker command).
don't use a pyenv virtualenv because zcml path will conflict when creating the zope instance. The cookiecutter template already create a virtualenv, so just use pyenv to set the python interpreter
The cookiecutter template will create a zope instance with wsgi binding to localhost 8080. If you're using a remote server, just change the listen= line in zope.ini
The cookiecutter template create a volto site
If you create a plone classic ui site, in the addons control panel there's collective.MockMailHost available. I think this is a leftover, it also says that if installed, it cannot be uninstalled
Nice that cookiecutter create an addon with the name of the site, the code is in src and seems to have all what you need preconfigured (maybe generated with plonecli?):
I want to share the load_zcml between the muti clients so when I scale up clients (instance.ymal) I do not need to duplicate the packages like so, any thoughts?