Dropdown menu behaviour for nav#navigation (Volto)

When we click on what we used to refer as the portal tabs (nav#navigation now), even if the item is a page that doesn't contain anything we get behaviour similar to that of a folder that contains just one thing.

If the item does not containing anything, it would be better to be taken to it immediately.

@tkimnguyen this is a known issue. The bottom line is that the VLT fat menu is well suited for large websites where the first three levels of the website have lots of content.

The only valid alternative that we have right now is to disable the VLT fat menu.

Another implementation option is to amend the fat menu behavior to open on hover like here:


With this, you don't need the additional link in the fat menu. However, you will still see an empty fat menu in that case. Again, only suited for large websites.

This is why we are currently thinking about providing a third option for VLT where the menu only shows the structures that are there.

I created a ticket for this:

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@tkimnguyen we had a discussion about this some time ago here as well: Volto Light Theme: Fat Menu - How to make some navigation items go to the item on first click

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I actually modified my menus in my project to do exactly that.

Are you able to share code?