Buschenschanksprint 2024 🥂

The Buschenschanksprint happens again from 14th to 19th June 2024 in Berghausen in Southern Styria, Austria :fireworks:.

When: June 14. - 19. 2024.
What: Plone, Zope, Python, JavaScript and general web development sprint
Where: Graßnitzberg in Berghausen, 8471 Spielfeld, Austria, Europe.
Google map: Google Maps
Contact: Johannes Raggam, johannes@raggam.at
Contact phone: +43 660 7730200
Hashtag / Abbr: bssp

Participation and Topics list: Buschenschanksprint 2024 🥂 - Google Docs

This is the seventh (or eigth, depends on the counting) Buschenschanksprint in the middle of the beautiful "Südsteirische Weinstraße".

The Buschenschanksprint aims to be a sprint to work, plan, develop, communicate, socialize and just have a good time.

We will live and work in the middle of a beautiful spot in southern styria at an more than 100 year old wineyard house.
There are lots of possibilities to hike, so bring your trekking shoues!
Nearby there are quite a few Buschenschänken where we can have a good Brettljause and a good glass of wine.

The sprint location is nearby Graz and next to the Slovenian border and it's easy to get there. There is a train station in Spielfeld with good connections, airports in Graz and Maribor and there is also a autobahn with an exit in Spielfeld.


A "Buschenschank" is something like a wine tavern, run by farmers who offer their own wine and cold plates. It's the South-Austrian aequivalent of North-Austrian "Heurige".


This year we have booked two accommodation locations: Ferienwohnungen List [1] being the main sprint location with 4 double rooms for 8 persons. The other one - Ferienwohnungen Neubauer [2] - in 7 minute foot distance, also offering 4 double rooms for 8 persons.

[1] Ferienwohnungen - Weinbau List
[2] http://www.neubauer-fewo.at/

You can of course book something on your own. I recommend to book something nearby, in walking distance because public transport is very limited in this area. Some of the options I know about are:

You can also try these options: booking.com, FeWo Direkt or AirBNB.

Location and Travel

By train:

You can get to the location easily by train from Graz or Maribor (Slovenia) - the train stop is called "Spielfeld". Search for somewhere to "Spielfeld" here: http://fahrplan.oebb.at/. I will pick up people from the train station by car.

By Air:

Graz and Maribor both have Airports with international connections (20-30 min train ride to Spielfeld).
The Vienna International Airport has good train connections to Graz or Spielfeld with a 2,5hrs train ride.

By Car:

Exit Spielfeld on the highway and follow your navigation device.


Sprint funding by the Plone Foundation isn't yet settled.
With no funding at all you can expect 60 € / Person / day which will include accomodation on-site, basic food and beverages.
I will update the cost section once I know more about any possible funding.


This year's topics will again be around Plone, ClassicUI, Mockup, Patternslib, Volto, Documentation, build ecosystem and more.
The topics are defined by the sprint participants, so bring your own!

Check the sprint organization page at:


Please add yourself at: Buschenschanksprint 2024 🥂 - Google Docs

Previous BSSPs


CMFPlone has 478 issues open: Issues · plone/Products.CMFPlone · GitHub

Do you think also to work to close/update/fix some of them?

Are the dates correct? Starting on Friday and finishing on Wednesday? :thinking:

They would work great for me actually :blush:

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yes they are correct :wink:

people will of course work on open issues too.
You are very welcome to join us and help closing some.
Also feel free to go thru open issues in general and see if some are outdated and close them. It's easier to keep track if many of us do so.

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Hello, I am thinking of joining remotely as I cannot attend in person. At the moment, I am working on migrating icalendar to zoneinfo, see here: Draft: Zoneinfo by niccokunzmann · Pull Request #623 · collective/icalendar · GitHub (I cannot post links, yet)