Announcing the next Training Team Meeting

Here are some notes from the training team hangout from 21. April 2016

Attendants: Philip Bauer, Fulvio Casali, Chrissy Wainwright, Carlos de la Guardia, Alec Mitchell, T. Kim Nguyen, Franco Pellegrini, Guido Stevens, Fred van Dijk

1. Trainings

We went through all the trainings in and added some possible trainers and trainings. Most of the info is in that doc. Also:

  • We'd like to have a training on agile-development methods (or at least one method).
  • Chrissy will ask Calvin about giving the blog- and workflow-trainings (He already said yes \o/)
  • Carlos will ask Paul Everitt about giving a Pyramid-Training
  • Philip will ask all others possible trainers

2. Restructuring



  • All trainings given at the conf have to be document on Only this way the effort going into preparing the trainings has a long-lasting benefit.
  • We need a good landing page with audience and benefits (what will you learn) for each training
  • Trainings need to move to seperate folders (mastering plone needs to move out of the root-folder)
  • We need a short primer on how to write trainings (Fred will ask Sven and Paul). Thast should also be on the website.
  • Better search would be good (i.e. search for code-snippets)
  • We need a easy way to link to another training
  • Train the trainer ( needs to be expanded (Fred)

4. Running Plone for the trainees

All trainings without file-system development (4x Hacking Plone, Customizing search, Custom Workflows, Making a Plone Blog) should use the same setup:
The idea is to have special versions of the deploy-to-heroku-buttons for the trainings that install the addons needed for each (or all) training(s)
Alec Mitchell will talk to Eric Bréhault about the Heroku-Button and the set of add-ons we need for that
The file-system development training could use the same setup as the mastering plone-training (