Zeo cluster basic setup - docker

Hi, I am looking to setup Plone based site with two plone instances (load balanced later) on a zeo cluster.
Following the basic instructions here:

I have tried but it wont connect to default plone installation and localhost:8080 won't respond.
I am using CentOS7 (base) with Plone:4.3.12
Two screenshots attached showing the order of commands executed.

Can somebody guide me what is missing?

To analyse this kind of behaviour (looks like a "startup problem"), it is a good idea to start "Plone" in "foreground" mode. This way, (usually) helpful messages are displayed in the "console"; you should see what goes on and (hopefully) what goes wrong.

I am not familiar with docker. In a more basic (ZEO) setup, you would use bin/client1 fg to start Plone in foreground mode.

More info attached as @dieter suggested.

I ran the docker containers in interactive mode so it has the console.. (will fg argument creates a detailed log file, and in that case where should I look for it inside the container?)
Console output for all 3 containers attached.

  1. zeoserver
  2. plone1
  3. plone2

You're trying to connect to the wrong port.

As I can see within docker ps screenshot, your Plone containers are exposing on host ports 8081 and 8082. Thus, you either curl http://localhost:8081 or curl http://localhost:8082 or you add a load-balancer in front (e.g.: haproxy) that expose port 8080 on host. See https://github.com/plone/plone.docker/blob/master/docs/usage.rst#3-scale

P.S. I fixed the ZEO example within usage.rst


Correct - Thank you @avoinea, you are right, I should have tested on port 8081/8082
I was guessing something missing in the usage.rst but didn't want to raise the issue on github for that.

Understand that - I need to put a load-balancing http proxy in front.

This problem is closed.

All you need is use Rancher. In this has a full stack of Plone working like a charm (lb, 2 instances and ZEO).

  1. in docker run rancher/server
  2. Add a host, you can use the same for the server, but it is not recommended
  3. In Catalog area search by Plone

It's all for tests... for production enviroments, you have to see an permanent storage.