Hi Plone community,
I am Sayan Samanta, currently in my prefinal year of study in Computer Science & Engineering. I have been into this community since January, 2023. My fundamental tech stack is ReactJs, Redux, TypeScript, React Native, LESS, some CSS frameworks like Tailwind, Boostrap etc.
I have been learning about the whole repo of volto (seriously it was very tough for me initially). But the community members are really helpful as I have got many helps from the discord channels. And most importantly I love the purpose of Volto, so I would like to contribute to volto actively. I already have some great conversations with @stevepiercy @fredvd @tiberiuichim in discord and github PR comments.
Looking forward to contribute in Plone/Volto in GSoC'23 ( If I get selected :-> )
I'm interested in learning about the next steps for becoming more involved.
Thankin you,
Sayan Samanta