Where is plone.app.caching in Plone 5.1?

Plone 5.1 ships with plone.app.caching..but where is its control panel under Site Setup? It's also not available as installable add-on?! Anything I am missing here?

It's in the 'advanced' section in the controlpanel.


This is on Plone (5112) btw.

Not here:

cat bin/instance|grep plone.app.caching ?

You need to use the Plone egg, not Products.CMFPlone.
Products.CMFPlone doesn't install plone.app.caching. Not sure why, but that's what it is.

The buildout contains Plone as dependency, plone.app.caching is not installed in bin/instance although this is supposed to be the case


You obviously messed something up.
Did you try deleting .installed.cfg?

Weird...but removing .installed.cfg and a new buildout solved the issue. I have to reinstall "HTTP Caching support" through portal_quickinstaller.

Weird, but good to see your problem got resolved!

I recently had to add plone.app.caching to a couple of projects because it get lost: the control panel configlet was broken and the egg was not found after running buildout.

both projects depend on Products.CMFPlone; one is using Plone 4.3.3 (with some dependencies pinned with newer versions) and the other, Plone 4.3.11.

probably some of the dependencies have changed and we have lost an indirect dependency to plone.app.caching.