What does the language setting do?

Continuing the discussion from Plone user manual:

What does the personal preferences language choice do? (Step 15 on Your Personal Profile and Settings – Content Editing for Plone — Plone Training 2024 documentation)

....it would seem from this that it doesn't actually do anything:

If so, maybe we should make it clearer in the field description and in documentation/guides.

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...so it's true, this setting is just informational and does nothing else?

Indeed, it seems so.

The language field for a new content item gets its default from the language of the parent/container.

If a user visits the root of a multilingual site, the default language is negotiated based on various factors (see plone.i18n/plone/i18n/negotiate/negotiate.py at master · plone/plone.i18n · GitHub) but the authenticated Plone user's language preference is not one of those. (The preference in browser settings, which is sent in the Accept-Language header, is used here.)

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The setting would be more useful if we changed the CMS UI to always show UI text in the user's preferred language instead of in the current content language.

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Sounds quite complicated, even without that personal language setting being in the mix... I can imagine a user being puzzled trying to understand why a certain language is being shown to them, and how to change/fix that. There would need to be some explanation that could be shown.