Vote for your most important Documentation issues

I'm trying something new in Documentation. You can react to any GitHub issue and pull request description with a thumbs up :+1:, and then the items can be sorted by that reaction. This is a way to express what is important to you.

Of course, doing the actual work takes pace at the speed of open source software volunteers :snail:, so don't set any unrealistic expectations. It's merely a nice data point to consider.

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If I sort them by newest, the thumbs disappear.

GitHub's Issue and Pull Request Search UI allows searching by only one argument at a time. You might be able to construct a URL that allows multiple columns.

For GitHub Projects, there is no ability to sort by thumbs up :+1:.

For GitHub Discussions, there is another attribute, upvote :arrow_up:. AFAIK Plone doesn't use GitHub Discussions as that would split off discussions from here. The only advantages I see to use GitHub Discussions is upvote and convert a discussion to an issue.

See related GitHub Discussions: