Volto Team meeting minutes 2025-02-25

The Volto Team requests feedback from developers, especially on the following items. You can provide feedback either in the pull request or issue tracker as a comment, as a reply to this post, or reaching out on Discord.

Volto Team meeting minutes 2025-02-25


  • Steve Piercy
  • Piero
  • Nilesh
  • Mikel


  • Designate Note Taker - @stevepiercy
  • Designate Time Keeper - @pnicolli
  • Review agenda topics, presenters, and timings - @pnicolli
  • Topics should not exceed 15 minutes of discussion time, as that probably means it is too complex to resolve during this meeting. Ad hoc meetings or sprints may be a better venue.


Old Business

These items are updates from previous meetings. Usually they are information only, and don’t require further discussion. Occasionally they may require further discussion and clarification.

New Business

Update the Volto Project Board and Volto Roadmap as needed.

Update the Volto Project Board and Volto Roadmap as needed.

  • Items prioritized by the Volto Team Lead