Volto Team meeting minutes 2025-02-11

Volto Team meeting minutes 2025-02-11


  • Steve Piercy
  • Alok Kumar
  • Piero
  • Victor
  • Dylan
  • Tisha
  • Jakob


  • Designate Note Taker - @stevepiercy
  • Designate Time Keeper - @stevepiercy
  • Review agenda topics, presenters, and timings - @timekeeper
  • Topics should not exceed 15 minutes of discussion time, as that probably means it is too complex to resolve during this meeting. Ad hoc meetings or sprints may be a better venue.


Old Business

These items are updates from previous meetings. Usually they are information only, and don’t require further discussion. Occasionally they may require further discussion and clarification.

New Business

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Are there parts of Volto which should be ported to Typenscript before they are "copied" over to Seven?

Yes. See the individual sub-issues of the main PLIP.

Thank you very much! Is it currently desired to work on this?

I don't know. I know that the PLIP is still in the planning stage, but there may be some PLIP tasks that can be started. I assume that the TypeScript migrations are such tasks, since they are discrete units of work that have no depencies on other tasks. Let's ask @sneridagh.

@mtoepfl yes, the idea is that Seven is TS only. The parts that we have to port, will need to be refactored into TS.

I will add a proper guidelines and style guide to the PLIP.

@mtoepfl The work on Seven will start in the Bucharest Sprint. However, there's been a bit of work done, all the baseline is in place already.

@sneridagh We have some free resources at the moment. Should we start porting helpers at the Volto side? So both sides can benefit...

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@mtoepfl By all means, any help is welcomed.

It has to be done in a sensible way though, could be that we don't want all of them on the Seven side. But I'd say that yes, we would want the vast majority of them.

Take a look at all the sub-issues and tasks in:

We will continue working on them before the Bucharest Sprint starts.

Well, it helps if the document is at least readable for anonymous visitors.

Who had the glorious idea for Codename Seven? :man_facepalming:
At least name it Plone Seven - if you like to write more letters it doesn't matters.

Hey at least no one wrote it here as Se7en… until now

It's for internal use only in its draft state.

Naming things is hard, and we don't have the marketing expertise of Apple to create codenames. You should have seen some of the other suggestions, including references to DEVO, Star Trek, and a few expletives for some bleeping codename.