Volto docs are getting better

I know there have been concerns about the docs in the past. I'm observing steady improvement overtime and would like to mention it.

I'm really appreciating the Volto development recipes for example this developer recipe for calling images is great! :point_down:


:weary: and then the Volto development recipes page disappeared :man_facepalming:t6:

Thanks for the report.

This was part of a reorganization of the docs in Improve wayfinding for various Volto audiences by stevepiercy ยท Pull Request #5809 ยท plone/volto ยท GitHub, and is now located under Development.

Issue to correct the problem:


so what was "recipes" is now "development" and there will be a redirect in the near future then?
Thanks @stevepiercy

@stevepiercy I know it's really simple but should something like the item below (how to configure a redirect) be added to that Development section?

Yes. Pull request appreciated.

Often stuff that is "obvious" or "just known" never gets documented by those who have gone through it before, which makes it difficult for those who have not gone through it yet.

There are dozens of these types of things in an open issue that also need to get added to the documentation.



Almost there...
Just one tiny error on my pull request (looks like I need to add my new entry to a table of contents)

document isn't included in any toctree

[173](https://github.com/plone/volto/actions/runs/9464589703/job/26072229649?pr=6086#step:6:174)/home/runner/work/volto/volto/docs/source/news/6081.bugfix: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree

These are useful CI prerequisites!!!

That's a mere warning that you can ignore, per Documentation โ€“ Frontend โ€“ Contributing to Volto โ€” Plone Documentation v6.0.

The rest of that page provides make commands that you can run locally before pushing commits to ensure your Volto documentation contribution will satisfy CI.

We've also migrated to build pull request previews from Netlify to Read the Docs, so reviewers can visit the docs and review them without checking out your branch and building the docs locally using the latest Plone Sphinx Them (soon to be applied to main docs). Look here:

I presented this video on World Plone Day about all the latest stuff in Plone documentation that you can use now.

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