I'm working with a custom dexterity content type and attempting to view an instance of that content type in Volto
I have filled in all the fields for the content type
But in the default view that Volto provides I only see the title being displayed, is there any way to adjust what fields Volto displays on this without component shadowing and or custom components like documented here
Unfortunately no, there's no default view for Volto that is similar to Dexterity autogenerated display views. You'll have to create and register a custom view for your content type, similar to those here: volto/Views.jsx at master · plone/volto · GitHub
Volto doesn't yet have built-in "display" versions of the edit widgets. This exists in the form of this addon @eeacms/volto-widgets-view. If this would be ported to be included with Volto then the default autogenerated view becomes a possibility.
I'm sorry, I might have mislead you. The addon provides only one piece of the puzzle. Basically we need:
schema (provided by dexterity content types)
display widgets for the content values described by the schema (provided by @eeacms/volto-widgets-view)
a view that can "connect" the content type schema, the widgets provided by the addon and the values coming from content data. This doesn't exist. It could be trivial to write for the basic use case.
That said, an autogenerated view is usually just an intermediary step. You'll probably want to customize the way your content looks like.