Volto Component View

Hi, Working on utilizing a custom Dexterity content type in the Volto frontend.

I'm following along with this training documentation

I have my component created on the backend and I'm able to add it through the UI


Per the documentation I've created the Talk.jsx in the src/components/Views/Talk.jsx folder, added the import and export to src/components/index.js


import React from 'react';

const TalkView = props => {
  return <div>I'm the TalkView component!</div>;

export default TalkView;


import TalkView from './Views/Talk';

export { TalkView };
 * Add your components here.
 * @module components
 * @example
 * import Footer from './Footer/Footer';
 * export {
 *   Footer,
 * };

The part where I'm getting lost and I think something isn't going correctly is registering the component as default view for talks in src/config.js, the documentation has this

import { TalkView } from './components';


config.views = {
  contentTypesViews: {
    talk: TalkView,

But src/config.js looks like

 * Add your config changes here.
 * @module config
 * @example
 * export const settings = {
 *   ...defaultSettings,
 *   port: 4300,
 *   listBlockTypes: {
 *     ...defaultSettings.listBlockTypes,
 *     'my-list-item',
 *   }
 * }
import {TalkView} from './components';

import {
  settings as defaultSettings,
  views as defaultViews,
  widgets as defaultWidgets,
  blocks as defaultBlocks,
  addonReducers as defaultAddonReducers,
  addonRoutes as defaultAddonRoutes,
} from '@plone/volto/config';
import configureStore from '../omelette/src/store';

export const settings = {

export const views = {

export const widgets = {

export const blocks = {

export const addonRoutes = [...defaultAddonRoutes];
export const addonReducers = { ...defaultAddonReducers };

How should this be done?

The configuration got some changes with Volto 12.
For upgrading to current Volto version you can find a detailed description Upgrade Guide - Volto Developer Documentation what has to be changed in an existing project. Maybe you want to setup a fresh Volto project with the generator and move your customizations.

The training chapter is OK, but the code snippet a bit short. See this:

export default function applyConfig(config) {

  config.views = {
    contentTypesViews: {
      talk: TalkView,

  // console.debug('** config.views', config.views);
  // console.debug('** config.settings', config.settings);
  return config;

I wonder if we should stop proliferating the "spread the config" pattern. I find this style easier to read and does the same thing:

export default function applyConfig(config) {
  config.views.contentTypesViews.talk = TalkView;
  return config;

@Flagreon You should generate a new project and copy your components to it, that's the simplest approach. Your config.js should end up similar to the one from the generator, see: volto/config.js at master · plone/volto · GitHub

Indeed, I also have this feeling. At the end the mutation only happens once on bootstrap, so it's safe to go for it.

Maybe we should update all documentation to reflect this.


Not sure I am following all the way, this is a recently generated project (today). The version of @plone/volto is
6.14.13, is that the right version to be using?

I see the applyConfig function in omelette/volto.config.js, is that the right place to make this change?

// export default function applyConfig(config) {
//   return config;
// }

export default function applyConfig(config) {
  config.views.contentTypesViews.talk= TalkView;
  return config;

The latest version is 13.2.2, I suggest you generate a new project with the latest generator, follow:


using the @plone/generator-volto generator.

Transfer all your existing content to there, following the new config way of doing things, like @tiberiuichim hinted. See the upgrade guide @ksuess suggested to migrate your config for more help.

Also, the omelette directory is meant for reference and being able to access Volto source code for further customisation. I suggest you don't use it in your code imports.

Alright, I've gotten everything updated, regenerated the project with the latest version and @plone/generator-volto generator.

Transferred the content over to the new site - the config.js at src/config.js now has that applyConfig function.

Unfortunately I'm still running into an issue getting the view to take over.


import {TalkView} from './components';
 * Add your config changes here.
 * @module config
 * @example
 * export default function applyConfig(config) {
 *   config.settings = {
 *     ...config.settings,
 *     port: 4300,
 *     listBlockTypes: {
 *       ...config.settings.listBlockTypes,
 *       'my-list-item',
 *    }
 * }

// All your imports required for the config here BEFORE this line
import '@plone/volto/config';

export default function applyConfig(config) {
  // // Add here your project's configuration here by modifying `config` accordingly
  // return config;
  config.views = {
    contentTypesViews: {
      knowledge: TalkView

  console.debug('** config.views', config.views);
  console.debug('** config.settings', config.settings);
  return config;

The view http://localhost:3000/knowledge/asdf looks like -


console.debug config.views -

** config.views {
  layoutViews: {
    summary_view: [Function: SummaryView] { propTypes: [Object] },
    tabular_view: [Function: TabularView] { propTypes: [Object] },
    listing_view: [Function: ListingView] { propTypes: [Object] },
    link_redirect_view: [class LinkView extends Component] {
      propTypes: [Object],
      defaultProps: [Object]
    album_view: [class AlbumView extends Component] { propTypes: [Object] }
  contentTypesViews: {
    'News Item': [Function: NewsItemView] { propTypes: [Object] },
    File: [Function: FileView] { propTypes: [Object] },
    Image: [Function: ImageView] { propTypes: [Object] },
    Event: {
      '$$typeof': Symbol(react.forward_ref),
      render: [Function (anonymous)],
      preload: [Function (anonymous)],
      load: [Function (anonymous)]
    talk: [Function: TalkView],
    knowledge: [Function: TalkView]
  defaultView: [Function: WithIntl] {
    displayName: 'injectIntl(DefaultView)',
    WrappedComponent: [Function: DefaultView] { propTypes: [Object] }
  errorViews: {
    '401': [Function (anonymous)],
    '403': [Function (anonymous)],
    '404': [Function (anonymous)],
    ECONNREFUSED: [Function: ConnectionRefused],
    corsError: [Function: CorsError]

The output seems ok... but it's not the one corresponding to that config, right?
How is your content type named? Can you check it out in the control panel? Case matters.

For sure!

This is how it is looking in the control panel -

I also tried

config.views = {
    contentTypesViews: {
      Knowledge: TalkView

just in case the case for 'knowledge' matters but it didn't have any effect

It's weird, it should work... (with the capital "Knowledge").
Can I see the whole config again? Complete please! and the console.log for the resultant config.

Yup for sure,

Whole config (src/config.js)

import {TalkView} from './components';
 * Add your config changes here.
 * @module config
 * @example
 * export default function applyConfig(config) {
 *   config.settings = {
 *     ...config.settings,
 *     port: 4300,
 *     listBlockTypes: {
 *       ...config.settings.listBlockTypes,
 *       'my-list-item',
 *    }
 * }

// All your imports required for the config here BEFORE this line
import '@plone/volto/config';

export default function applyConfig(config) {
  // // Add here your project's configuration here by modifying `config` accordingly
  // return config;
  config.views = {
    contentTypesViews: {
      Knowledge: TalkView

  console.debug('** config.views', config.views);
  //console.debug('** config.settings', config.settings);
  return config;

and here is the output of the console.log for config.settings

** config.settings {
  host: 'localhost',
  port: '3000',
  publicURL: 'http://localhost:3000',
  apiPath: 'http://localhost:3000',
  apiExpanders: [],
  devProxyToApiPath: 'http://localhost:8080/Plone',
  proxyRewriteTarget: undefined,
  actions_raising_api_errors: [ 'GET_CONTENT', 'UPDATE_CONTENT' ],
  internalApiPath: undefined,
  websockets: false,
  nonContentRoutes: [
    /\?.*$/,                 '/add',
    '/contents',             '/delete',
    '/diff',                 '/edit',
    '/history',              '/layout',
    '/login',                '/logout',
    '/sitemap',              '/register',
    '/sharing',              '/search',
    '/change-password',      /\/controlpanel\/.*$/,
    '/controlpanel',         '/contact-form',
    '/personal-information', '/personal-preferences',
    '/register',             /\/password-reset\/.*$/,
    '/password-reset',       '/create-translation',
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  externalRoutes: [],
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and config.views? please! :slight_smile:

Also, alternatively you can write it as:

export default function applyConfig(config) {
config.views.contentTypesViews.Knowledge = TalkView;

That is much more concise I've switched over to that, now the applyConfig is just

export default function applyConfig(config) {
  // // Add here your project's configuration here by modifying `config` accordingly
  // return config;
  config.views.contentTypesViews.Knowledge = TalkView;
  // config.views = {
  //   ...config.views,
  //   contentTypesViews: {
  //     ...config.views.contentTypesViews,
  //     Knowledge: TalkView
  //   },
  // };
  console.debug('** config.views', config.views);
  console.debug('** config.settings', config.settings);
  return config;

and oops sorry about that, here is config.views and config.settings together -

** config.views {
  layoutViews: {
    summary_view: [Function: SummaryView] { propTypes: [Object] },
    tabular_view: [Function: TabularView] { propTypes: [Object] },
    listing_view: [Function: ListingView] { propTypes: [Object] },
    link_redirect_view: [class LinkView extends Component] {
      propTypes: [Object],
      defaultProps: [Object]
    album_view: [class AlbumView extends Component] { propTypes: [Object] }
  contentTypesViews: {
    'News Item': [Function: NewsItemView] { propTypes: [Object] },
    File: [Function: FileView] { propTypes: [Object] },
    Image: [Function: ImageView] { propTypes: [Object] },
    Event: {
      '$$typeof': Symbol(react.forward_ref),
      render: [Function (anonymous)],
      preload: [Function (anonymous)],
      load: [Function (anonymous)]
    Knowledge: [Function: TalkView]
  defaultView: [Function: WithIntl] {
    displayName: 'injectIntl(DefaultView)',
    WrappedComponent: [Function: DefaultView] { propTypes: [Object] }
  errorViews: {
    '401': [Function (anonymous)],
    '403': [Function (anonymous)],
    '404': [Function (anonymous)],
    ECONNREFUSED: [Function: ConnectionRefused],
    corsError: [Function: CorsError]
** config.settings {
  host: 'localhost',
  port: '3000',
  publicURL: 'http://localhost:3000',
  apiPath: 'http://localhost:3000',
  apiExpanders: [],
  devProxyToApiPath: 'http://localhost:8080/Plone',
  proxyRewriteTarget: undefined,
  actions_raising_api_errors: [ 'GET_CONTENT', 'UPDATE_CONTENT' ],
  internalApiPath: undefined,
  websockets: false,
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    /\?.*$/,                 '/add',
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    '/diff',                 '/edit',
    '/history',              '/layout',
    '/login',                '/logout',
    '/sitemap',              '/register',
    '/sharing',              '/search',
    '/change-password',      /\/controlpanel\/.*$/,
    '/controlpanel',         '/contact-form',
    '/personal-information', '/personal-preferences',
    '/register',             /\/password-reset\/.*$/,
    '/password-reset',       '/create-translation',
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I gave it a try myself, worked at the first try but the content types control panel is a bit misleading, probably your content type has the id in lowercase. Try it again with

config.views.contentTypesViews.knowledge = TalkView;

hmm well that is bizarre....

I switched my config.js to

import {TalkView} from './components';
 * Add your config changes here.
 * @module config
 * @example
 * export default function applyConfig(config) {
 *   config.settings = {
 *     ...config.settings,
 *     port: 4300,
 *     listBlockTypes: {
 *       ...config.settings.listBlockTypes,
 *       'my-list-item',
 *    }
 * }

// All your imports required for the config here BEFORE this line
import '@plone/volto/config';

export default function applyConfig(config) {
  config.views.contentTypesViews.knowledge = TalkView;

  console.debug('** config.views', config.views);
  console.debug('** config.settings', config.settings);
  return config;

Lower case knowledge but I'm still just seeing the default view -


Quite weird... all seems in place and correct as the console log shows... As last resort, are you sure that content is a "knowledge"? Can you try create a new one, then save.
Could it be that you applied a "view layout" to that object?

Let me check and make sure....

So adding a new one, the url looks like http://localhost:3000/knowledge/add?type=Knowledge

URL after it's created is http://localhost:3000/knowledge/newtest

Looks like -


Seems like it is a knowledge piece of content, I'm not sure how to check if I had applied a view layout where would it show up?

More menu, view

This is what I've got there -
