Use AI from SonarQube Cloud for code quality checks

From our friends over at collective.icalendar, I saw this recent pull request come through, where the contributor used SonarQube Cloud to scan the repository and found and fixed legitimate bugs. I was impressed.

Please take a look at the PR Probably bugs #766 and its changes to see for yourself.

The service is free. It supports Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Ansible, Docker, and many other languages and tools. It currently does not support React, but you can vote for it and be notified of its availability.

Of course, who actually likes machines telling them that their code is wrong?

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We have been forced by company policy to use Sonarcube in a very large Python project in 2023. On one hand, SC turned out to be useful. On the other hand, SC claimed to be smarter than the best core developers and generated a lot of noise for non-issues or for code that is supposed to be as it is. In the end, you end up fighting against wind-mills...endless time wasting on fixes for making the tool happy, just for the sake of keeping it happy...constant terror.

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