Usage of BTrees to store data globaly

We have this case where we have to use data from an external web service. It delivers 16’000 entries and this is a very slow thing (if you want all data at once). So we have to store some data in our Plone site so we can use it afterward in our vocabularies.

@davisagli suggested using a BTree so I started with development and now I have a solution… But I’m unsure if I introduced a memory leak. I don’t know if overriding the whole stored BTree (with all entries; Line 132 in _set_oes) is a problem. What happens with the BTree which was stored before?

My approach is a new Toolset (copied from Core Tools because I didn’t find any documentation on this topic). The data will be introduced with a view (called by a cronjob) that calls the refresh_oes-Method.

So I hope someone with more experience with the usage of BTrees / Toolsets (see below) could have a look at it and give feedback.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from fhnw.core.interfaces import IOEDataStoreTool
from AccessControl.class_init import InitializeClass
from AccessControl.SecurityInfo import ClassSecurityInfo
from App.Common import package_home
from App.special_dtml import DTMLFile
from datetime import datetime
from BTrees.check import check
from BTrees.OOBTree import OOBTree
from os import path as os_path
from plone import api
from Products.CMFCore.permissions import ManagePortal
from Products.CMFCore.utils import UniqueObject
from Products.CMFCore.utils import registerToolInterface
from OFS.PropertyManager import PropertyManager
from OFS.SimpleItem import SimpleItem
from typing import Any
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import Tuple
from zope.interface import implementer

import logging

logger = logging.getLogger("fhnw.core")
_dtmldir = os_path.join(package_home(globals()), "dtml")

class OEDataStoreTool(UniqueObject, SimpleItem, PropertyManager):
    id: str = "fhnw_datastore_oe"
    meta_type = "FHNWCore DataStoreOE Tool"
    zmi_icon: str = "fas fa-database"
    security: ClassSecurityInfo = ClassSecurityInfo()

    _properties: Tuple[Dict] = (
        {"id": "last_update", "type": "string", "mode": ""},
        {"id": "running", "type": "boolean", "mode": "w"},
    last_update: str = None
    running: bool = False

    manage_options: Tuple[Dict] = (
        ({"label": "Overview", "action": "manage_overview"},)
        + PropertyManager.manage_options
        + SimpleItem.manage_options

    security.declareProtected(ManagePortal, "manage_overview")
    manage_overview = DTMLFile("explainOEDataStoreTool", _dtmldir)

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self._oe_data: OOBTree = OOBTree()

    def get_oes(self) -> List[Dict]:
        """Returns stored OE data.

            list: OEs
        return list(self._oe_data.values())

    def refresh_oes(self) -> bool:
        """Refreshes the OE data.

        If refresh is already running the new call will be aborted.

            bool: Determines if the update was successful
        if self.running:
  "Refreshing of OE data is already running.")
            return False

        self.running = True
        data: List[Dict] = self._fetch_oes()
        if data:
                self.running = False
                return True
            except (ValueError, AssertionError):
                logger.warning("Could not set OE")
        self.running = False
        return False

    def _set_oes(self, oe_data: List[Dict]) -> None:
        """Sets the whole oe data to the given value

            oe_data (List[Dict]): all OE entries within a list.

            ValueError: Given OE data is not of type dict.
            AssertionError: If anything is wrong with the new value of oe_data
        if not isinstance(oe_data, list):
            raise ValueError("Given oe_data is not of type dict.")

        # we explicitly use here a mapping (like dict) because in list-like data structures
        # the values should be imutable. The values are a dict and not immutable so we store the dict
        # as value within a BTree with "organisationId" as key.
        new_oe_data: OOBTree = OOBTree()

        for oe_entry in oe_data:
            if not isinstance(oe_entry, dict):
                    f'Entry is of type "{type(oe_entry)}" and is not added to stored OE data. Entry data: {oe_entry}'

            if (
                "organisationId" not in oe_entry
                or "name" not in oe_entry
                or "nameEn" not in oe_entry
                    f"Entry is not well formated and is not added to stored OE data. Entry data: {oe_entry} "

            new_oe_data[oe_entry["organisationId"]] = oe_entry

        )  # check if OOBTree is valid and healthy before we override the old oe data.

        self._oe_data = new_oe_data"Successfully updated OE data.")
        self.last_update =

    def _fetch_oes(self) -> List[Dict]:
        data: List = []
        error: str = None
        portal: Any = api.portal.get()
        # we need to use unrestrictedTraverse here because we use this vocabulary in anonymous
        # scenarios (Ajax calls, etc.) and don't want to expose our WSUrl objects
        # don't use plone.api methods here! They rely on restricted access.
        wsurl: Any = portal.unrestrictedTraverse("oe-webservice", default=None)
        if wsurl is not None:
                data = wsurl.get_data()
            except ConnectionError as e:
                error = f"Connecting failed. Msg: {e}"
            except ValueError as e:
                error = f"Parsing json failed. Msg: {e}"
            error = "Webservice not found."

        if not isinstance(data, list):
            error = f"Data used for OEs is not in a desired format. Data: {data}"

        if error:
                f"An error has occured during fetching of OEs. "
                f"Webservice: '{self.content_id}' - Output: {error}"
        return data

registerToolInterface("fhnw_datastore_oe", IOEDataStoreTool)

You are replacing the old OOBTree with a new one — the effect of which is that the old one will not have a current reference to it and eventually gets cleaned up during database packing.

I cannot infer exactly where your concern/bottleneck is by skimming your code, but I do suspect you run into issue by casting the entire value set into a list() on read; consider having your view iterate over the BTree (or some slice thereof) without doing that (that will probably be slow and use more memory than you want).

If you need to have your view get only some of this data by some aspect of its values, consider — at time of writing your data — making additional BTrees on your tool indexing values to make lookup easier by some identifier (organization id?).


The explanation of seanupton is almost complete and correct.
Replacing an OOBTree with a new one will leave the "old" OOBTree within the ZODB until you pack the ZODB. If you need to iterate over an OOBTree, you get an iterator that you want to use (rather than storing all keys) internally inside an in-memory list. In generall: you want to avoid iterating over a dict (unless necessary) and use key-access only.


@zopyx & @seanupton : Thank you both for your replies. I am gonna refactor my code a little so we are not that reliant on the packing since we already have a huge DB. And I also try to use the iterator / lazy loading instead of converting it directly to a list.

Overall this is a possible use-case for souper/ souper.plone: GitHub - bluedynamics/souper.plone: souper soups power for plone!
It may help to not reinvent the wheel.

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I found this thread while looking for a solution I need to implement with user data. For a given time period we are deactivating users and giving them a change to self-reactivate. To do this I need to effectively duplicate what PasswordResetTool is doing (we still need that for its own purpose) where it stores a hex key and expiration for a given user. I'd rather not make another object in the ZMI so I was looking for somewhere else I can store an OOBTree or dict-like object.

I think what I probably want to do is use Annotations on the portal object. I looked at souper a bit and it looks like that is in someways a wrapper for annotations, so I think I'm on the right track.

For this I usually just add an attribute on the portal:

def get_storage():
    attrname = "_packagename_custom_storage"
    portal = api.portal.get()
    if not hasattr(portal, attrname):
        setattr(portal, attrname, OOBTree())
    return getattr(portal, attrname)

It would also be fine to put it in an annotation, but I don't see that it adds anything. The BTree is a separate persistent object either way.