"Untranslated" translated field title returns msgid instead of default value

hi all,

in my view, I use

if not relation_caption:
    # translate the default related items field label
    relation_caption = translate(
        default='Related Items')

to get the translated text of a field label

the corresponding terms in english and german are here:

When I do not provide my own default value, for english Plone will return the msgid "label_related_items" because the msgstr is empty.

How do I avoid having to provide my own default?

Your current code treats 'label_related_items' like a normal string. It is not a translated string.
It should be something like this:

from zope.i18nmessageid import MessageFactory
_ = MessageFactory('plone')
relation_caption = translate(
    _(u'label_related_items', default='Related Items'),

Thanks for the suggestion, but that has the same exact result: without providing a default, the msgid is returned for the en translation.

I realize now that what I probably want is to fall back on the title of the actual field. And if any default is then used, it will be the one defined in my schema :wink:

Norbert via Plone Community wrote at 2019-11-11 12:29 +0000:

Thanks for the suggestion, but that has the same exact result: without providing a default, the msgid is returned for the en translation.

I think that is exactly what is intended: the message id is translated
according to the current language translation catalog; if this
does not provide a translation, the provided default translation is
used and missing this, the message id itself is used.

You cannot use the normal translation machinery if this is not
what you need.

Yep, that was my mistake. I took it as a given that ./en/plone.po would contain the actual msgstr rather than being a copy of plone.pot

Side note - Makes me think that since all the default values are there anyway, it might be possible to have these also stored (pot2po) as messagestrings. Maybe a discussion for some other time...