Unifier Installer 5.1.1 and 5.1.2 / buildout fails to create Data files on Ubuntu 18.04LTS Bionic Weaver
All trials as zeo with 2 clients.
Tested with variants:
Rootless / with sudo: both fail in 18.04, both succeed in 14.04
Installed / "local" Python 2.7 : both fail in 18.04 , "local" succeeds in 14.04, fails with system python
crashes on 18.04 whether using --var and/or --backup or not. Decause failing all the variations above in 18.04, I stopped setting --var and --backup on install.sh command line, and did not test whether it would crash on 14.04 by using --var and --backup
don't have a computer with 18.04 LTS but tried it with a container, no problem with 5.1.2 installer. Do you have the last version md5 = e34790cea362b8db6a8ffe30854c6fc3 ?
Yes, md5 matches. I trust you it works ok. Either I am doing systematically something wrong, or possibly there may be something wrong with the machine - an oldie but fast laptop, has been giving me a hard time these days even installing ubuntus Shall watch it, take out some RAM. Sorry. Thanks.
If that doesn't do it, there are a couple of pieces of information we need:
What do you mean by "fails to create data files"?
What's happening when it crashes? Permission error? Core dump?
We do test with bionic, and I just re-tested on a new vm. The baseline tests work. So, we'll need to get into detail to figure out what's failing for you.