Unable to resolve path to module '@plone/volto/components'

does anyone knows to deal with this,because of this I am not able to continue with Volto-HandsOn Training

Please include a link to the step in the tutorial where you are stuck.

It should resolve it. The ESlint error could be because a number of things related with your IDE.

Does it build and run when you do yarn start? It should.

No, its was not running ,It was always showing some error log.

I thought there might be some installation issue in Volto-generator , so I first reinstalled
lastest versions of npm n all and again did the same process, and I still remember that when I did first time it said 418 new added, this it said something 600+, which was a good sign,I ran it and its completely working fine

Finally volto is running fine, now I just have to complete the training and will start trying contribute to VOLTO