Unable to install plone 5.1.5 on windows 10

I followed instructions mentioned here

i have installed python 2.7.15 and Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7 .

When I tried executing this command : windows_install.bat standalone --password=admin

I am getting the below mentioned error. I have only python 2.7.15 version installed. (I havent installed python 3).

Please help me resolve this issue and install plone successfully on my machine.

Manikanta Gudipudi

Try running buildout again (change to the installation target directory and run "bin\buildout").

For some reason, Windows occasionally refuses to rename a file that has recently been used. Perhaps it's a threading problem. In any case, trying again nearly always resolves the problem.

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The POSIX API is not safe for manipulating files on Windows, so such flakiness is expected.