Trying to install Products.LoginLockout add-on in Plone 5

Hello all,

I have been trying to install Products.LoginLockout add-on in my Plone 5 with Python 3.7 configuration.

Added it in buildout -

eggs +=

Doesn't have problem while creating new build but when trying to run the site in fg it errors saying -

No module named 'plugin'

Have anyone else ran into same problem ? If yes please share your experience.

I doubt this package has been updated for python 3 and/or would work with a recent Plone version. Its latest release is from 2015


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Well, it is just a PAS Plugin and master seems to work in Plone 5.1, so I think its not that difficult to make it work in 5.2/ Python3. One just have to upgrade it.

ops, maybe more difficult: to get the new login system wired in. It overrides a bunch of no longer existing templates...


Short story: this add-on has not been ported to Python 3


Thank You everyone for your inputs.