Trouble install crontab


I want to use crontab
so I can use

My question is on getting crontab to work. Below is the pertinent section of buildout
followed by the error I get when running buildout.

Parts Specification


Specifies the components that should be included in the buildout.

Most are defined in the base.cfg extension; you may add your

own if you need them at the end of this file.

parts =


Major Parts


These common parts make use of sane base settings from

base.cfg. To customize a part, just add whatever options

you need. Read base.cfg for common settings.

<= instance_base
recipe = plone.recipe.zope2instance
http-address = 20545
recipe = plone.recipe.zope2instance


recipe = z3c.recipe.usercrontab
times = 0 12 * * *
command = echo nothing happens at noon
comment = this is for the coming soon content rule

Error message I get:

Error: Missing option: buildout:parts

Thoughts on what I am missing

Can you paste the entire file and put it in a code block so formatting doesn't get weird please

Ok, I figured out what I was doing wrong. When I use wget on it's own, the command goes on the same line URL.

However, for the crontab the command has a separate line. also, I was trying to use 24 for midnight (on a different version than posted above) and turns out has to be "0". Thus, this is the code that worked in buildout


recipe = z3c.recipe.usercrontab
times = 1 0 * * *
command = wget
comment = for "coming soon" content rule. runs wget everyday at midnight + 1 min

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