Translation Group via RESTAPI

Is it possible to get the Translation Group via RESTAPI?

I am aware that I can get the translations with the entry point @translations. But I'm searching for a way to get the Translation Group.

Something like the following but via RESTAPI:

from plone.registry.interfaces import IRegistry
from zope.component import getUtility
from plone.i18n.interfaces import ILanguageSchema
from zope.component import queryAdapter
from import ITG

registry = getUtility(IRegistry)
settings = registry.forInterface(ILanguageSchema, prefix="plone")
translation_group = queryAdapter(self.context, ITG)

there is no such endpoint.

If it is useful we could extend the @translation endpoint to add it.

It would be very nice.

I was thinking something like the following into

registry = getUtility(IRegistry)
settings = registry.forInterface(ILanguageSchema, prefix="plone")
translation_group = queryAdapter(self.context, ITG)
result["translations"]["translation_group"] = translation_group