Three Members Join the Plone Foundation: Katja Süss, Davi Lima, and Eric Bréhault

Thank you Katja Süss, Davi Lima, and Eric Bréhault for your significant and enduring contributions to the Plone project and community!


It's an honor! Thanks!

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It's also about entertainment value :wink:

This is wonderful to read! Although I've worked with Plone for over 11 years, since version 2.5, I've never found the time to reciprocate with my knowledge to the community.

Seeing this kind of recognition, especially for the inclusion of Brazilians (we should always remember Jean Ferri), it makes us want to engage more. I will try to be more active in the community... if someone can give tips in the best way, I would love to hear.

Congratulations @ksuess, @davilima6, and @ebrehault!


@thyarles you've been active here, and that is already appreciated.

The phrasing "significant and enduring contributions" is deliberately vague about the types of contributions, though the Membership Committee has agreed generally on what it looks for, which includes (but is not limited to!): attendance at Plone events (symposia, sprints, conferences), giving talks or training classes, writing code or documentation, translations, testing, participation in the forum and chat. You can read more about the Membership Committee's process Membership Committee and Foundation membership applications at Membership

We know that there have been hurdles communicating with and encouraging participation or engagement from a worldwide community like ours, in which language has been a barrier. We have Board ambassadors who represent some of these regions and languages, and we hope they are able to encourage more engagement from their local peers Ambassadors

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Hurray to the new members!

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