Theming(tango theme) of a plone site in local machine

I am trying to make a basic site using plone. To learn how to use a theme in my site, I am refering to the following link:
However following are the unexpected things I have encountered so far:

  1. Since I used "tango" theme, according to the doc: the correct file structure isn't appearing: tree src/plonetheme/tango/ command doesn't show the "theme" directory which contains the html, rules files.
    Also while installing tango theme on plone, it should ask to choose from 'Basic', 'Dexterity' and 'Theme' package. Duing the installation, it asks me to choose between 'Basic' and 'Dexterity' packages.

zemotacqy@zemotacqy-notebook:~/Plone-5/zinstance/plonetheme.tango$ mrbob -O plonetheme.tango bobtemplates:plone_addon

Welcome to mr.bob interactive mode. Before we generate directory structure, some questions need to be answered.

Answer with a question mark to display help.
Values in square brackets at the end of the questions show the default value if there is no answer.

--> What kind of package would you like to create? Choose between 'Basic', 'Dexterity'. [Basic]:

  1. I included in my buildout.cfg in zinstance directory under part [instance]. What does do in particular and how it helps in theming a plone site.
    Here is my buildout:

parts =

eggs =

  1. Now if I am trying to run my plone site on local machine. I am running my instance in foreground and the following happens:

Installing instance.
/home/zemotacqy/Plone-5/zinstance/eggs/setuptools-26.1.1-py2.7.egg/pkg_resources/ RuntimeWarning: You have iterated over the result of pkg_resources.parse_version. This is a legacy behavior which is inconsistent with the new version class introduced in setuptools 8.0. In most cases, conversion to a tuple is unnecessary. For comparison of versions, sort the Version instances directly. If you have another use case requiring the tuple, please file a bug with the setuptools project describing that need.
Couldn't find index page for 'plonetheme.tango' (maybe misspelled?)

Hi @Zemotacqy, please take a look at the training docs at They cover the "new" version from the training from last Plone Conference in Barcelona.

As suggested by @tmassman, I started following the latest tutorial. I am following this link: to learn to write my own add-ons , I get the following error-

--> Plone version [5.0.8]: das
how 'das' looks like a valid Plone version for you ??

Its just random data entered, @gp54321 Check again the error log, it shows the same error with proper entries.

Please double check the versions for both mr.bob and bobtemplates.plone as stated in the training docs. Also, I pointed you to the theming training, not the mastering Plone. Those are different. The theming training is currently using an older (but stable) version of bobtemplates.plone.

Thanks @tmassman, I will continue theme training. Its just I wanted to read and try out "mastering plone" section. Its very informative and interesting.

Hi @Zemotacqy, I'm happy to hear you are trying out the Mastering Plone training as well. What I wanted to say was that to solve your problem you should continue on the theming training which, if you follow the instructions and code examples, should give you a full working example you may use as a base to do your theming in the future.