Steering Circle Meeting Minutes, 2021-06-15

Release team, Eric, Maurits

No releases since the last meeting. But in July 5.2.5.
Hotfixes have taken time

Plone 6, framework team meeting in two weeks
packages available if anyone wants to try out

Framework team
Framework team meeting in two weeks

Membership team, Erico
Not much to report yet, waiting for one more submission before a vote on new members

Marketing team, Rikupekka, Erico, Sally
Minisprints once per month
Trying to get changes to production
after summer, focus on new planning

Guillotina team, Ramon, Eric B.
Physical sprint end of summer
3 new developers
every 2 weeks discussion
Improving json support on the backend

Sally: could tag some Guillotina news items on -> Eric will

Volto/Plone 6, Victor
Support working copy
Moving towards Slate editor
Working on the new Quanta UI/UX

Rest API, Timo
Plone restapi 8
Dropped support for older python versions
Support Slate and working copies

Zope, Michael Howitz
New releases for the Hotfix work

i18n, Mikel
Volto i18n, make an effort on that next

AI, fred
Planning github migration for branch naming, beginning of autumn
Looking for replacement for planet plone
Thinking of replacing Uptime robot website

Training, Philip
Planning the training for the conference
Plone classic theming training hopefully
Mastering Plone 6

Conference, Chrissy
Online 2021, LoudSwarm
Belgium 2022

Plone Classic, Maik
Weekly minisprints on wednesdays
New people joining
Longer sprints maybe at some point

Documentation, Sven, Paul
Docs for Plone 6, structure done
Next: preparing contents, moving contents
Sven: Slightly concerned: docs and training, code examples should link
to training.
Are there old training materials not updated? Philip, some are, feel
free to make pull requests.
Trainings will be updated before the conference.

Paul: Where do Plone classic documentation fit in?
Maik: invite someone from classic team
Paul: excellent

Security, Mauritz, Kim N.

Working on the latest hotfixes, obviously.
Still patching to do to get them to the core.

JS-knowledge would be useful, maybe someone from Volto team could be in
the security team
at some point. Alin and Alec?

Kim N: we need more people who work with the core code, now its all on
Maurits (thank you!) Please. Kim will arrange a meeting the next few weeks.

Installers, Jens

Nothing to report since the last meeting

We have Google docs, a rough draft on the installers

Once Volto and Classic come to stable state, we need more people working
on installers. Maybe a sprint
Alin and Alec?

PLOG, Sally

October PLOG, maybe.
More interest in having live Plog now thats the conference is online.
Sally will negotiate possible dates with the hotel, early October.
Light training, maybe? or not -> since there will be conference soon.
Plone 6 sprinting.

Conference October 23.-31.2021


Weekly classic sprints, July Zope sprint

Other topics

Plone 6, the name is clear. But how to describe the user experience with
2 UX choices?

Plone 6
Plone 6 Classic

Logos would be nice in the training, but not mandatory.
For the docs, logos would be nice.

Example: 23. Volto View Components: A Default View for “Talk” — Plone Training 2021 documentation
And classic: Views II: A Default View for “Talk” — Plone Training 2021 documentation and

Thank you to Rikupekka and Sally for taking notes!


Providing some info about steering circle would be helpful.


In short, the Steering Circle is a status meeting for all the teams and sub-communities of Plone, to make sure everyone knows what is going on, gives teams a chance to collaborate, and also serves as accountability to make sure teams are doing their jobs.

You can read more about the Steering Circle at Plone Governance Process — Plone: Enterprise Level CMS - Free and OpenSource - Community Driven - Secure