Status of Plans for Plone portraits/avatars

I'm wondering what the plans are for the Plone portrait user experience. Currently an end user must ideally upload a perfectly cropped 75 x 100 px portrait or suffer squashed and distorted portraits. Is there work on this so that upon upload a user can adjust and crop in the browser?

I've liked this add-on for TTW image editing: or the built in ImageEditor...

Also if anybody touches portraits the plip (stalled) should be implemented.

I'm willing to put in a few months learning and coding around the portraits PLIP (maybe my Plone Office Hours project). I think I might need a few days of hand holding on this though. @jensens, since you're the proposer of the PLIP do I get to pick your brain in this thread on this matter?

great! @pigeonflight just ping me at irc when available or drop me an email if you have any questions.

I have plans to create a new image widget that provides some cropping. I've
done it in another project--just need to port the code...

Where are we with this? Is it worth thinking about for an upcoming sprint?

I'm guessing it's probably in Castle now. Nathan isn't working on Castle anymore, so you should probably not bug him about it :wink:


@jensens I tried to recover the PLIP 12870 from internet archive with no luck: Wayback Machine?
By chance , do you know how to recover it?

Wow, that's an old one. I can tell you off-head whats the rough plan was. If it comes to PAS there are more ideas pending :wink: Let's have a Jitsi about it?

LOL maybe another day :slight_smile: After the sprint I have some work to do!

I found a patch like this and asked myself about this misterious PLIP 12870:

# monkey Products.PlonePAS image scales
# until PLIP 12870 is merged"Setting PlonePAS portrait scale")
plonepas_config.MEMBER_IMAGE_SCALE = portrait_scale = (300, 300)
plonepas_config.IMAGE_SCALE_PARAMS["scale"] = portrait_scale

The FTW folks (@buchi @lukasgraf) have an add-on that fixes the avatar problem. Maybe we should just consider merging this into core?

One of these moments

This one right? ftw.avatar · PyPI
Looks cool, thanks for sharing!
I wonder if we should just use an SVG avatar by default :slight_smile:

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Yep. That's the one.