State of composite pages in Plone 5.1?

Hi there,

in preparation for a workshop where the migration of 10 Plone sites to Plone 5.1 is a topic I checked the state of options for doing composite pages: 2.0rc5: found at least five obvious to spot bugs - too many obvious bugs for a RC5 release
collective.cover 1.4b1: directly broken after the first click on "compose"

Is there actually something stable, something working that one can showcase to customers...but in the end it is the old discussion about obvious bugs, quality assurance and lack of manual testing.


I see you filed a bunch of new issues and located at least one fix - thx @zopyx

I've been using Mosaic for quite some time and have not encountered (or noticed) bugs.

Hi Andreas,

thx for filing the bug reports for

Regarding collective.cover, this is not yet Plone 5 ready as you can see from the status of this ticket.

@zopyx I think this is a sign that anyone who does a release of a major plugin or plone version should incorporate your testing in their QA process. Thanks for the support.

my fault; as @tmassman already mentioned, collective.cover is still not compatible with Plone 5.

I normally set Plone 5 as not supported in when I do a release to avoid people even trying to install it, but I forgot to do so this time (package classifiers are updated).

as I mentioned in the ticket you opened, I have no use case neither resources to continue working on this right now and we're overloaded with work as usual.

if anybody besides you wants to help on making collective.cover compatible with Plone 5 there are 3 things you can do:

  • fix yourself any of the current blockers
  • hire someone to do so
  • find more compatibility issues

anyway, I'm not going to spend too much time on this on the near future until the JavaScript story is clear, as we have noticed that some of the packages we release with Plone 5 compatibility are having problems when updates are available.

I use Mosaic and I'm very happy with it. It matured very much with version 2 and the support of @datakurre is just great! I have some of the standardtiles but mostly custom made tiles for gallery, tabbed content, accordeon, forms, quotes, etc. and we really did a lot of manual testing.
It is a complex product and might still have some rough edges on some corners but I would recommend it for general usage.

You have to be careful with big (html) tiles in production hosting scenarios where frontend webservers, proxies or load-balancer limit the request size.