Jamaican "sprinters" @b4oshany and @pigeonflight will be at the upcoming sprints
These are some ideas I'm playing with for the sprints this weekend.
PloneConf2017 Ideas/Topics for Sprints
- A library of Plone components for the Figma - design and prototyping tool.
- Implement better avatar/profile pic support
- Full end to end dev/deploy experience on top of plone bobtemplates - For example, create a "happy path" to Gitlab CI for Plone add-ons. It could be based on these notes here: http://cosent.nl/en/blog/plone-gitlab-continuous-integration might be something to be added to bobtemplates.plone
- Look for places to update the UX around link sharing. People expect to see image previews when sharing links (for example, try adding a link with Google+):
- Video training sprint - record two or three really good quality Plone introductory videos
- A System for Theme customisation for Plone - Diazo Theme Customisation