Sprint: kitconcept hosting Plone+ReactJS, March 12-15, 2018


Hey @tkimnguyen I'm eagerly waiting for this sprint, as a fanatic dev from India, How can I attend the sprint remotely? I mean Do we have any live stream or live collaboration organised ?

Hi @nileshgulia1 - it is up to the sprint organizers. Plone's experience with sprinting is that it doesn't work well to have remote sprinters unless they are already very familiar with the tools, topics, and tasks. This is one reason why Plone continues to have in-person sprints: they are far more effective, and the collaboration levels are unmatchable.

@tisto @sneridagh


@nileshgulia1 I neglected to thank you for your enthusiasm! Thank you :slight_smile:

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We created a project with our agenda for the sprint here:

We will post regular updates via our Twitter account:


I agree with Kim that it might be hard to onboard newbies remotely. Especially when the sprint is small and very focused on one topic like ours. Though, maybe we can find some smaller and newbie-friendly tasks...

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Where has it seriously been tried other than the remote only sprint I organised? (which I think worked ok).
The problem I have seen is that the remote sprinting has not been taken seriously. It needs to be treated as a first class citizen and not an after thought. Often the only form of remote collaboration at a sprint is live stream of intro and end of day demos, often with really bad audio so its hard to hear. IRC doesn;t work because what is happening locally is audio.

Alternatively you could make it mandatory that every team has a hangout, and everyone screenshares and has audio on all the time. Or some similar system that tries to get close to the a) being involved in conversations b) being able to discuss code without explicitly setting up a new call.

The 2nd problem with online sprints is commitment. When someone has paid to go to a place and their family, friends, other commitments are on hold, they have 100% attendance (normally). This is harder to solve. One way to potentially solve is that remote sprinters pay to attend, and perhaps get their money back at the end if they did attend 90% of the time? Maybe there are other ways or rewarding full attendance?

3rd question is why go to all that hassle? Hopefully the answer should be obvious. Not everyone is in europe. Not everyone has the means to attend. But there is the desire and some do have the time.

@tisto @tkimnguyen Do let us know if there are any small tasks which we can help with! Would love to contribute!

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Yes, We'd love to help :blush:

OK. FYI, I'm not involved in the React work so @tisto is your man :slight_smile:

@nileshgulia1 @ajayns we might have a newbie friendly task:

Check it out and let us know if you could imagine to work on this. Please ask any questions on the github issue directly.

We will continue to post newbie friendly issues here if we can find some during the sprint...

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